Chapter Thirteen

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"No, I was just bored haha, I haven't slept yet."

"And why is that?" My forehead creased.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, you don't have to ask."

"I'm thinking of finding someone new.."

I propelled my body to sit up straight. "You wouldn't.. wait for the approval of your divorce?.."

"I will, but like, in the meantime, I want to have dates, you know, I kind of miss sleeping with someone, laughing with someone.. just.. be with someone."

What the fuck do I fucking say.

"Jungkook, are you there?"

"Let's do it."


"I'm seriously a few steps away from you y/n."

"Yeah but.. you were his boss, wouldn't it look bad on you if people see that you're friends with me when I am his wife?"


"I'm coming over there."

"Wai-" I ended the call and got up to change clothes.


I knocked on her door and she quickly opened it.

I went in. "Did you really not sleep just to think about meeting someone new?"

"Not mostly.. but yeah.." I turned her around by her shoulders and pushed her to walk towards her bed, guiding her.

"Huh? What are you.."

"You need sleep." I sat on her bed and pulled her with me until we were finally laid down next to each other.

"Could you maybe not pull me like a sack of beans next time?" She gave me a bored look.

"Next time?" I echoed her words. She got flustered. "Oh no, I didn''t-"

"If that's the case, move back in with me."

"Okay calm down sheriff.." she pats my chest.

I pulled her body and enveloped it around my arms as I turned to my side to face her.

She looked so timid with round eyes. "Don't think about anything else then, just sleep."

She's so snug in my arms, she's not resisting me. I think that's good.

"Jungkook?.." I hummed to let her continue.

"You haven't answered my question on why you are single."

I chuckled. Why does she want to know it that bad?

"If you sleep first, maybe I can tell you next time."

"I'm not a kid, Jungkook." I looked down on her and she's looking at me with those eyes.

"Shh." I shushed her and ran my fingers on her hair. Her eyes are instantly fluttering close. I hugged her body tighter and I've never felt better.

Minutes go by and she's finally deep asleep.

I'm just staring at her sleeping figure. I ran my knuckles on her cheek then to her arm.

I then held her hand.


I placed it back down and the urge to kiss her is just intensifying.

I closed my eyes to just let myself fall asleep.


I woke up when I felt her ass digging onto my cock which is already hard. She's dead asleep so I had to hold her waist. I sighed then I looked at the closed window that's brightly reflecting the sun.

She suddenly turned around, still asleep then she raised her leg to prop it up on my hip.

I smiled at her. I held her lower back and further scooted her body to me. I ran my fingers in her hair.

Would it be too cruel to thank God that Benette cheated on her? I think it is, but it feels so right to have her.

Y/n's POV

I woke up stretching my body while I moaned at how good it feels. I seriously had a good sleep. I opened my eyes realizing I hadn't felt his presence. He must've gone out to work.

I smiled.

I sat up then I was surprised to see a bouquet of mixed pink and white tulips on the foot of the bed. I crawled to have a look at it.

There's another card on it..

I gulped.

I love anything that's pink or darker than it and make it have white on it. Wouldn't you?

I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to smile that makes my cheek tickle.

He's such a pig. I chuckled, grabbing my phone. Wow. I typed and sent it with a wide smile.

My phone vibrated, be patient, I'm still practicing. I covered my mouth. Is he seriously going to keep doing this?

You aced it okay? Now, stop. I replied.

Why? Is the only thing I read back. Just because. I sent it back.

Give me three valid reasons why I should follow you. Uggghhhh.

Number one, it's expensive, second, you are such a pig with your words, third..

I stopped to think what could I add..

You don't have to follow what I said about last night, I decided to stay single for now. So are we okay? I pressed send.


That's his only reply..


I'm watching this tiktok video where a man is holding up a condom and he wears it on a big cucumber for some sort of test.

He starts chopping it up then he lifts it up to let people see that the condom doesn't have any tears or breaks while the cucumber inside got sliced well.

I rewatched the vid and saw that the brand is durex. I want to try it out.

I then typed to Jungkook, can you go and buy me a condom later after your work? Durex to be precise. Just one. Thank you.

He's never called this fast before. "I swear that if you're seeing a man tonight, I'm tying you to your bed." I quietly giggled at how protective he is. "Just trust me Jungk-"

"No." I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'll just go-"

"Step out of your door, do it, I'm not playing." I sighed. I ended the call and sent him the link to the tiktok video.

Jungkook's POV

I rubbed my face with my hand after watching the video. Tell me the full details next time, woman. I texted as I slumped on my chair, I was ready to go to her apartment.

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