Chapter Forty-one

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A tear rolled down and his thumb was quick to wipe it. "Now.. I'm here in front of you, holding you, talking to you, loving you because I.."

He stopped and looked at my eyes back and forth.

Jungkook's POV

"I saw it.. I loved the idea of waking up next to you, cooking for you, cuddling you, and loving you.. in many ways, shape or form."

I took my handkerchief in my pocket and wiped her crying eyes as she listened to me.

She sniffles while I do it, admiring her pretty face. "Y-You know that we're meeting your parents yet you're able to make me cry."

I chuckled, they really don't mind it. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to let that out."

"If they see this, I'm telling them that you made me cry." She says as she starts to compose herself.

I chuckled, she sounds like a little kid.

I pat her head and she seems to like it all the time. She then fans her face with her hand while she whistles out air slowly to calm herself.

Y/n's POV

We walked in, his hand holding my back.

We were much longer in the car because I had to retouch.

"That's them wearing white." He whispered to me. My eyes already spotted them in a crowd of tables and guests. T-That's his parents?? They look younger than their actual age??

We're approaching and I gulped.

A few more steps and their heads turn our way, cutting their conversation. A smile already appeared on their faces.

They stood up as we stood in front of them.

God I can't say anything. "Hello y/n, it's finally nice to meet you. I hope you both didn't hurry yourselves, we were enjoying ourselves here~"

Internally, my jaw was hanging from how kind her mother speaks and she's hugging me. I returned the hug then I went to face his father.

I gave a smile and he lent out his hand and I surely took it and shaked hands with.

"It's nice to see you, let's sit, let's sit." His father coos.

I looked at Jungkook who's sitting opposite me while I sat beside his father who's also facing his wife.

I looked at him trying to say with my eyes how shocked I am and he gave a smug smile saying he's right.

And also, one thing that shocked me was how they spoke my name as if I was already family. Seems like they already met me before I could appear in front of them.

We proceeded to order our preferred food and while we waited, a server poured red wine in our wine glasses and I still feel worried about how to possibly give a good impression on his parents.

"Y/n, I hope our Jungkookie is well behaved in your presence." her mom said, smiling at me while her question still caught me off guard. "O-Oh yes ma'am, he's a good boy." I chuckled looking at Jungkook who has a scrunched up nose.

"He doesn't like the Kookie nickname." his father pretended to whisper at me and I laughed.

Hmm, somehow he resembles more of his father's eyes than what I thought about her mother.

"Dear, I'm so sorry you won't be able to meet his older brother Jung-hyun, his fiancé is sick."

"Oh it's okay ma'am, it's not a problem at all." I smiled my shyness away and she looks at me in an admiring way.

"Our Jungkook is very lucky to have met a beautiful woman like you~"

"O-Oh thank you ma'am." I feel like gushing deep inside.

Our food then came in and we would still chatter about Jungkook and his childhood.

"He has such round eyes up until now." His father laughed and I grinned wide.

"But you know y/n, he used to want to be this anime character named Hulu-"

"Mom it's Haku haha, please stop embarrassing me in front of my future wife." He grins while I felt like blushing so I immediately took a spoonful of my food and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Aigoo~ you're the one making her shy!" His mother smiles, lightly hitting his shoulder so now I'm hovering my hand over my mouth while I silently chortle mouth-full.

"Ah." Jungkook pretended to get hurt but laughed.

We kept eating and talking and because of their stories, I got to know Jungkook more.

He's really a golden child, he has so many talents, he got to do taekwondo, has magic hands to painting and drawing, is musical inclined and to top that, he has a soft heart.

"Now, where will our Kookie marry y/n?" His mother asked him and he smiled, "she can't know." He shakes his head.

I pursed my lips in a line, very intrigued and gushing that he'll really marry me and it's a surprise.

"Aigoo~ dear, look at our youngest~ very loving." His mother said to his husband.

He laughed deep, proud at his son. "Well, he got it from me."

"Aish, nonsense, I carried him for months." His mother retorted, making us all laugh with their banters..

We ended the night hugging each other goodbye.

Her mother then held my hand, "it's mom and dad now, y/n. We saw how committed Jungkook is to you and we very much love that you and him get to be a family, and with us."

I felt teary but I have to hold it back because I am not good at handling my tears. "Thank you, mom, dad." I shyly bowed at them again.

"Take care, drive safe." His dad patted his back.

"Yes I will, please go home safe dad, mom." He bowed again before we went to walk away first because they seem to want to watch us get in the car first.

We got in then he honked twice and we waved before his windows rolled up and they waved back.

I sighed in contentment, smiling as I slump back on my seat. "Can I know what that smile is for?"

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