Chapter Forty-four

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"Ha.. hmm!" She threw her head back while her back arches with my fast strokes. "Ha.. ha.. ha.."

Just when I plan to stop, she pleads with the most alluring voice, "please, d-don't stop~"

I stared at her exposed neck, "sure, baby." I find myself getting jealous of her ecstasy but I keep going while she tightens to hold my shirt.

"J-Jungkook~!" Here's my cue. She curled her body towards me, hugging me hard while she buried her face on my neck while she moans better than artists could write songs.

"Haaa~" she shudders on me while I keep my phone pressed on her clit. She raggedly breathes on my neck, killing me inside.

I smiled in contentment when after she lets her orgasm slow down, she doesn't budge. Now she's shy? Haha, cute.

I removed my phone on her and got to see it glinting with her cum.

I took hold of her ass cheeks while still holding my phone in between my fingers and spread her open to make her more flustered. "I'm very jealous baby, I can't wait to dive this wet pussy of yours."

"You said.. you're going to masturbate when we get home.. can I.. do it?" She whispers on my neck.

"You're prohibited." I whispered in her ear and she flinched, is her body still sensitive?

I used my phone again to slap her clit and she flinched hard. It created a pretty wet slapping sound.

"You're so wet huh?" I murmured in her ear.

I thought she would deny it but she nodded so I just playfully slapped her ass, giving me a whine.

"Give me a kiss." I demanded because she wouldn't lift her head.

She started kissing my neck instead and quickly turned to giving me a hickey. "Ah~" I hissed my moan out.

Her hands were somehow already under my shirt and she would stroke my abs up and down, giving my cock some sort of tickle.

I bit my lip and quickly held her shoulders and pushed her a little to give us a distance. I pant quietly while she looks at me with tired eyes.

"Let's go home." I said.


I carried her to our room and laid her down on the bed.

It was just foreplay and she was already out when I was driving. I smiled as I fixed her hair and straightened her legs after placing her down.

She must've been also mentally tired. I kissed her forehead and I was ready to shower-

Oh wait.. she hasn't changed yet.

I stared at her figure. I doubt she'd wake up, she looks so deep asleep. I tried to shake her lightly as I called her name but it ended up with her throwing her hand in the air with a frustrated grunt and face.

Wow. She stirs on the bed and rolls over while still asleep. This woman really hates getting woken up in her sleep.

Okay then, since she's asleep on her stomach, I unzipped the back of her dress and I easily pulled her dress off of her. I removed her bra and underwear then I quickly placed the blanket on her.

I remembered about earlier so I spread her panty and I saw dried cum.. a lot. I smiled to myself.


I whistled out air in my mouth, head propped at the rim of the tub with room temperature water hugging my body.

I was supposed to have a quick shower but I thought of relaxing a bit.

I'm already contemplating where to exactly marry her. I want it rare.

I kept thinking when my mind drifted off to something different. I sighed as I looked at the bathroom door. I didn't lock it.

She's heavily sleeping anyways. I closed my eyes, imagining her coming here, she would mount herself on me and I would just let her ride me.

"Fuck.." I muttered as I felt my dick growing again.

She would be so beautiful, bouncing on me, creating water splashes here and there.

My jaw tightened remembering her moans in the car earlier, and how I said I would touch myself thinking of her.

I think I'm about to.

Shit no- Argh! I got frustrated and ended up holding my cock after all. Fuck! I let go of it and stood up hastily then I drained the tub.

I have to really shower now before I let my intrusive thoughts win.

I walked to the shower and turned it on. I can't do cold water for now, I've been having blue balls for how long, it's fucking torture.

I took the shampoo then the soap and started cleaning myself..

You have to control it, Jeon, save it for the honeymoon.. fuck it.

My hands quickly turned the water into cold making me grunt so loud. Shit my dick hurts.

I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead on the tiled wall after I turned the water off.

A knock caused me to freeze in place. "Jungkook? Are you okay?" I heard from the other side of the door.

"No!-" I stayed standing still when I heard the door fully open.

"You.. touched yourself?" I could hear her walking close.

"No.. no I didn't, princess-" I gulped when I felt her nails draw lines altogether on my back.

"I could've done it better.. Can I do it for the second time?" She seductively suggests, palms of hers softly hug my waist until they wrap around the base of my cock.

I felt her warm, dry body pressed on my back. Her soft breasts..

"I want to suck you so bad. I want to get on my knees for you-"

I coughed continuously as my throat got dried, bringing me back to reality. I opened my eyes and found my hand turning the cold water on again.


Y/n's POV

A week passed, me and Karina, who I successfully befriended outside of Jungkook's quarters, were walking to a newly opened fast food restaurant.

She said it's her friend's and she's asking for support and of course, I'm in.

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