Chapter Thirty-seven

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We laughed then we let it subside, leaving us with a quiet night again, seizing the moment as he kept hugging me while I placed all my weight on him, leaning.



"I want this.. forever." Never had I felt this fulfillment in my heart before.

"Forever it is." He softly said, kissing my shoulder.

"If one day, you get tired of me, just say it." I said it out of fear.

"Why would you say that?"

"I don't know.. it might just happen." I looked up at the sky that had finally few twinkling stars.

"I'm not working hard to get you just to throw you away after an emotion that will pass, and I'm sure I won't get tired of you. I think it's you that'll get tired of me." He chuckled a little.

"I've.. had a few relationships before, and not once did I get tired of them, I always give.. I think I always will, you don't have to worry about me with how I feel for you, I'm not going away."

I felt warm inside when he hugged me tighter, his face burrowing on my neck.

"And I'll be sure of it." He said in response to my last words.

I smiled to myself, feeling maybe the whole zoo inside of my stomach.

"I have something for you actually.. but I'm hesitating, thinking you might not like it."

I turned my body sideways to face him, "I like anything you do, Jungkook." I smiled at him to give him that confidence he needed.

He lowered his head to lean his forehead on my shoulder, he was smiling when I said that.

"Please?" I pouted then he lifted his head to look at me then nodded, grinning.

"Okay, let me go get it." I stood up to get out of his way but I was intrigued when he held my hand and he led the way.

We went to get what seems to be a guitar inside of its gig bag hidden behind this tree.

He then redirected our destination to a further spot than where we stayed earlier.

"Let's sit over here." He sat down on the grass and I did what he said, facing him. We're near this tree and I like how sturdy and big this is.

Like, it's really huge..

I then heard him open the bag then a light brown guitar or as I believe came out of it.

I then heard him open the bag then a light brown guitar or as I believe came out of it

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He hasn't done anything, yet I'm already loving it.

He positioned it on his lap, hands ready to strum it but he had to look at me first and smile wide.

He looks shy.

I smiled at him. He cleared his throat before licking his lips, looking down at the strings.

Right then, he started strumming the guitar and the melody seems so stunning to hear.

Then he looked at me and he softly goes,

Summer has already spread in the air
Breeze is already blowing
The last cold snap is going out
The days were getting longer and longer
But my days were still going on and on and on
I got wet in the sunshower, I looked up at the night sky
It was quite a lonely night
In the blink of an eye, the dark faded out
Blooming under the sunlight
Memories with me and you..

I didn't fight to try and not blush by his voice and gaze..

All these lights are colored in by you
All these times are precious due to you
Four seasons have passed with you
Four scents were left 'cause of you
All the reasons why I can laugh out
All the reasons why I sing this song
Thankful to be by your side now
I'll try to shine brighter than now..

I'm smiling wide as he chuckles, only strumming his guitar now as his outro perhaps.

"I love it, I never knew you sing so well, like, really really well, better even!" I cheered and he shaked his head grinning.

"Thank you, I tried, I hope the lyrics made sense."

"You.. made this??" I was perplexed..

He smiled big with eyes closed then he said yes. "You. Have. Talent." I said, still perplexed.

"I told you, I just try haha." He placed his guitar down beside him then he took my hands and just held it.

"The title was 'my you', I really only thought of you when I made that."

I couldn't contain it so I quickly stole a kiss on his lips as a thank you for being thoughtful.

He smiled then he kissed the knuckles of my hand.

"I have one more for you."

My mouth widened, "I didn't get anything for you, why don't you save it for now-"

"No it's fine, princess-"

"No it isn't. I also want to give you something, just.. give me time." I said, putting my palms together and shaking it in front of him to allow me.

"You really don't have to." He said, giving me a comforting smile.

"I want to. Promise me you'll save it." I said, crossing my arms.

"I promise." He smirked at me to which I nodded my head that he agreed. "Good."

I smiled at him then I quickly crawl to sit in between the space of his legs and I leaned my back on him freely.

I closed my eyes, in relief that something so good was given to me.

He wrapped his hands around my body, "tell me honestly, what would you think if I had tattoos?"

"A hottie." I truthfully said, looking sideways to see him smiling.

"Hmm, sounds like a good reason to get tattoos then~" he muses.

"Where exactly?" I asked. "A sleeve tattoo, do you think it's nice?"

He'd really look hot if he added tattoos on his body, God, is he really mine to keep?? Because I will be eternally grateful.

"Anything suits you, kitty." I teased, causing him to playfully bury his face on my neck and snuggle me, making me tickle.

I laughed, making him stop. "I'll devour you like a wolf, pussy cat, watch your mouth." He seductively whispered in my ear.

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