Chapter Fifty-four

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He opened my car door and I thought we were going in the house straight ahead but he held my arm.

“Hmm?” I looked at him and he seemed.. anxious?

“I.. uh..well, I want the best for you, baby, and I know you’re tired but I booked us a flight to go to a different country for the honeymoon.. but we can move it of course, we can rest for tonight.”

Awe, he looked so scared to disappoint me. I faced him.

“I’m not tired, but.. is it okay if we stay here? I mean, only if you want to.. I just like your home a lot.” 

His smile grew, “our home, baby. I’d do anything to make you happy.” 

He took a step, held the side of my face and kissed me. 

I kissed him too but I quickly pulled away, remembering that I have to shower before it’s too late.

“I uh.. is it okay if I.. shower first.” I gulped and he smiled at me. 

“I also want to shower, should we-”

“No.” I quickly bolted out of my spot and unlocked his front door to run to the bathroom in our bedroom.

Jungkook’s POV

I was chuckling to myself when I watched her unlock our front door, she nearly tripped going in.

I went back to the car to get her bag and locked the car doors.

I went upstairs and as I got inside our bedroom, I heard the water running in the bathroom.

She shouldn’t be so anxious. 

I smiled when I thought of her. My wife.

I sat down on the bed and went to cancel the flight as I waited.

She finally came out, took her an hour haha.

I watched her look for me so I stood up and her eyes looked down on my body.

I had taken my top off since it’s hot.

I approached her and was about to hold her face- 

“W-Wait! I-I have to dry my hair!” she looked so frantic haha.

“No worries baby, I also have to shower, take your time.” I smiled at her and went to the bathroom.

She smelled so good. 

I came out and I didn’t easily spot her on the bed so I looked further and she’s standing near our window, gazing outside.

She’s still wrapped in her towel but I can see her now dry hair.

I trailed my eyes on her head down to her feet as I came near her.

She isn’t looking, she must be anxious again.

“Hello, sexy.” I kissed her shoulder then she looked at me sideways and I was quick to steal her lips and kiss her.

My arms immediately hugged her as our mouths sank into each other.

She already feels horny, mmm.

I worked my hands up to her breasts and groped it with the towel still.

“Hmm..” she immediately reacted.

I then sucked her neck within a second, causing her soft moans. 

She moved her head to the other side so I could suck her better and that’s when she started leaning her weight on me.

I must be getting her weak already.

I replaced her hands that were holding her towel on her chest with mine.

Slowly, I loosened the towel to let it slowly slide down off of her, just enough to show her breasts.

I hummed on her neck when I saw her hard nipples.

My other hand quickly grabbed one and squeezed it while I nibbled on her ear.


“Turn around for me, wife.” 

She was slow to follow but when she did, I pulled her faster by her towel that’s now wrapped around her waist-down. 

I wanted to say something but I’m very frustrated sexually that I just kissed her again until I ran my mouth downwards on her.


I kept sucking on her skin until I could finally suck her sweet nipple.

“Ah!..” she wanted to move away so I tugged the towel I’m holding to keep her still.

“Oh God!” 

“Fuck, you’re so soft.” I murmured while I bounced to the other breast.


“That’s right, princess, it’s daddy.” I was planning to tease her longer but the way she called me? I’m having to move a step closer.

I already let go of her towel, pulling her to the bed. 

She already looks so worn-down. I smirked.

I placed her on all fours-

“W-Wait..” I was already crouching, facing her wet pussy but she covered it with her hand.

I bit her butt cheek and she shrieked. 

Her pussy looked so delicious to tease, especially with how wet she is, glistening around her thighs.

“Take your hand off, wife.” I bit her other butt cheek. 

“Can we.. skip this please?..” 

I got an idea to stroke my hands on her inner thighs and around her ass while she stalls me.

“Hmm? Why baby?”

“I just..” she couldn’t say it.

“Do you prefer seeing it get sucked?” 

“N-No! Can I do you instead?”

I couldn’t entertain much longer so I pulled her hand that was covering her pussy and pinned it on top of her back.

I then stretched her ass to see her wet pussy cry more.

Her body looked tense, waiting for the contact. 

I bit my lip before I went in to kiss her hole and she gasped.

I licked my lips to taste her before I opened my mouth and stuck it in her pussy.


Her body twitched yet I didn’t move my tongue, I just mouthed her pussy and she’s already shivering.

Well, I’m a good guy so I slowly placed my tongue on her hole and lightly pushed it in her.

I softly licked her hole until I started to rub it gently afterwards.

“Mmmm!..” she mumbled high in her mouth. 

I removed my mouth to see her pussy glisten more and pulsate.

I mouth it again, on her clit and quickly flicked it. 

It wasn’t a second before she was moaning.

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