Chapter Seven

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I took my phone that's on my desk.

"Karina, can you go and look for any apartment near my house? Doesn't matter the cost, I need it ASAP."

"Sure Mr. Jeon."

I sat up straight remembering the evidence I needed to take for her.

I plugged my flashdrive in my computer then I started to scroll on every recording.

I moved it to my flashdrive.

I looked further and stopped when I noticed that Benette and her were walking to his office at the time of the party.

I went to check the CCTV on Benette's office.

I fast forwarded it only to see why she was protective the other day.

Benette was kissing her and he laid her down on the desk.

I can see that she was resisting but Benette was pushing her.

He parted her legs and he went straight ahead.

I watched the entire video of them and I learned that Benette's sex game is weak.

I observed how he never stimulated nor gave her any foreplay.

He did let her finish but I am very sure that she wasn't satisfied. Y/n's a submissive woman, he never took advantage of that in a good way.

I sighed, laying back on my chair.

I gulped feeling myself get hard. She's a man's dream.

I need to go home and take a cold shower.

Y/n's POV

I'm slicing apples in his kitchen when he finally arrived.

"Hi, how was today?" I smiled at him.

He looked a little surprised, who wouldn't, the man has been living all alone.

"It was okay." He smiled a little, "I almost forgot, here's the evidence."

He slides the flash drive across the counter.

I suddenly felt stiff. I hope he didn't really skim through the videos.


I heard him chuckle. I looked at him quickly.

He's looking at me amused. "What?.."

"Nothing." He started walking away. "Hey where are you going?"

"Shower!" He lightly shouted as he was already jogging up the steps.

"No, I can manage here."

"No, go upstairs."

"No?? I'm staying here." I sat my ass on the couch.

"Get up y/n, use my bed." He talks like a father.

"No." I already laid down to mark my territory, "goodnight." I said, closing my eyes to dismiss him.

"Hey!" I shot my eyes open when he lifted me up.

I froze when his face was close to mine. "I said, use my bed." He mutters lightly, staring at me. I smelled his minty breath.

I'd be blushing like crazy if I was snow white.

He started walking while I looked everywhere but him.

"I-I can walk."

"I know."

"So put me down?"

"I prefer it this way."

We got to his room and when he laid me down on his bed, I hurriedly tried to get up but he was quick to pin my hands down.

"I knew you'd do this." He smiled a little.

"Come on, I'm just a guest here, there's no need for a bed." I complained.

I don't know what happened but he got flustered.

He let go of me and cleared his throat.

"Just.. sleep." He said and turned around.

I got up and he turned around again, catching me from escaping.

He's hugging me from behind while I tried to run.

"What do I have to do to make you sleep on my bed?" He said, struggling.

Something popped in my head. I stopped resisting him and turned around to face him.

"Sleep beside me, so it's even." I smiled devilishly.

He was quiet for a moment. "No." He started walking away so I followed him.

He stopped and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"What? I'll sleep where you'll sleep." I casually said.

"How can you even sleep on a couch? It has limited space even for a single person?"

"I'd get on top of you." He looked away and I just realized how it had a double meaning.

"I-I mean- n-not in a-" God! I didn't watch what I said..

"Fine. Bed it is." He pulled me by the wrist and I felt how firm he was holding me.

I must've had him picture something else in mind.

He got us back to his room and he waited for me to climb the bed.

"I thought you'd sleep where I'll sleep?" He said.

"I will, but go ahead first, so if you leave, I can feel the bed move."

His bed is situated close to his wall, so if I could just sleep in front while he sleeps near the wall, I can guard.

"No, you go ahead, you might leave."

I scoffed grinning at how laughable our situation is.

"Trust me, I won't."

"It's best that you trust me." He said.

Okay so none of us is trusting the other.. "Do you have any handcuffs?"

He ended up closing his eyes at my words. "Hey, it was worth a try, I did find condoms, you might as well have cuffs here." I said laughing while he looked surprised.

I laughed even more.

"Goodnight." He said, walking away.

"Yah!" I said, not yet done laughing.

"I seriously need that, we have to cuff our hands together." I walked in front of him.

"I don't have cuffs, I prefer using my hands." Now I'm the one who became silent.

He's laughing at my face. "See? It's best that you choose what comes out of that mouth."

"The only thing that comes out of my mouth is my spit and tongue?"

He finally stopped. "Okay that's enough." I chuckled.

This is fun, he isn't provoked even the slightest bit.

Jungkook's POV


She's just telling dirty jokes without realizing how worked up I am.

How did she even see my condoms? I knew I hid those well.

My eyes went to her now that she's yawning.

"Just go to bed y/n."

She didn't listen and instead took one of my neckties.

"Lay down."

"No way you're tying me." Fuck, why can't she just sleep, is she not aware how she makes the atmosphere fevered.

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