Chapter Fourteen

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She got me worked up over nothing. I sighed. But I felt relieved that she was just trying to amuse herself out of boredom.

You're such a father. I read on my screen. Didn't you see my condoms before, just use that. I replied.

I guess I'll test that out too, but the man used durex. I think I should persuade her to work with me. Do you need anything else? I asked.

Cucumber. Thank you. Of course..


I went inside this convenient store and I easily spotted the condoms. I took a plain condom of the brand durex but then my eyes saw the flavored ones. Would she appreciate it if I bought a flavored one? I'll have to find out.

I knocked on her door and it seemed to take forever. I knocked on her door again. I was surprise to see her come out of the door of her neighbor, Taehyung.

"Oh! Hey! Were you waiting so long?" she said, walking to me smiling then her eyes went down to my hands holding many plastic bags.

"Let's go inside.." she said, opening her door then we got in, I quickly turned her around to face me. "What did you do in his apartment?"

"I just remembered that I bought some ice creams the other day so I gave him one." calm down, Jeon. I let go of her, deciding to swallow my possessiveness. "Okay." I placed all the bags on her table.

She just went to look through the bags while I still felt triggered.. "Flavored ones?" I looked at her, not realizing I was drifting off. "Mhmm."

Seems like she isn't interested in that. "That's actually mine." I said, taking it out of her hand as an excuse.

She took it back, giving me a suspicious look, "no, I'll also use these."

Hmm, seems like she doesn't like the thought of me having fun with someone else. "How are you going to use ten of those? Take one."

"No, I'm keeping this. I haven't tasted a flavored one before."

I gulped unknowingly. "Yeah no, give it." I snatched it back on her hand but she was quick to retrieve it. "You are not going to use that on someone else." I lectured.

"I'm not." My brows jumped. "What, are you going to chew or suck on that by itself?"

"We have a cucumber right?" She smiled widely.

The thought of her sucking on that cucumber..

I should just get out of here before I feel all stuffy again.

"Bye." She held my wrist. "Come on, it'll be fun, I bet you haven't tasted one too."

"Hell, why would I taste a condom?" I grimaced in horror, weirded out by her question.

She laughed at my face. "You know, you're fun to have around. I haven't been crying much now because of you. Thank you." She gave me a sweet smile and without a thought, I pulled her in a hug.

It's very calming to know that she isn't quite sad anymore.

I pat her head.

"Why don't we eat first before you do that." I point to the condoms sprawled out of the table.

"Sure haha."


I watched her struggling to figure out why there was air on the very tip of the condom on a cucumber.

I chortled a little and she gave me a death stare. "You do it then." She then looked away, offended.

"Better if you know it yourself." I said, standing up and going behind her. I held the cucumber up on the table with one hand.

Y/n's POV

I suddenly felt pressured, feeling him up against my back. We slept together and I wasn't nervous about it. Maybe it's because of these condoms but what exactly makes it different?

His chin is laid on my shoulder and maybe, If I look at him, our lips could.. no.

"Open a new one." I took a plain condom but he stopped me. "Try the flavored one instead."

I took this strawberry one and ripped it open. "Now, hover it on the tip of the cucumber." I followed what he said.

"Before you put it in, you actually have to pinch that tip over there so no air could go in."

"I'm surprised you never had a condom before." He chuckles. "Well, some fucker said it's best to feel a woman raw." I rolled my eyes thinking about it.

"It's true.." Jungkook said with a quiet tone. "But he shouldn't be the one making the rules." He followed up.

Right.. I did what he told me earlier, "now you have to carefully roll it down with your hand."

"Oh wow!" I felt happy that it finally looks perfect.

"Taste it!" I chimed as I faced him. "No." He has that bored look again.

"Your loss." I shrugged then I licked it a little. "Huh? Doesn't taste like it.."

"Y/n, you know what that is for right?" Jungkook said with his hand over his chin. "Yeah, intercourse?"

He then lowered his head in a defeated way.

"Okay, listen. It's two things y/n. Plain condoms are for sex, flavored ones are for blowjobs. So a lick isn't going to do it, you actually have to suck it."

"Wow? Men have these and women don't?"

"What do you mean?"

"You guys have things like this for your pleasure, women don't have any?"

"There is y/n but it's actually better." I crossed my arms. "If you're going to say toys, then you're wrong."

He gave me a serious look and leaned his hands on the table, caging me. He lowered his head close to me.

"Maybe we should just skip this conversation."

"Then I'm right-"

"Whip creams, honey, wine." I looked at him confused.

"That's just a few examples. If I drizzle or coat that down on a woman's pussy, I'll lick her off until she kicks me."

I've never felt so frozen on my spot in my entire life. I just ended up blinking, unable to talk and he's just staring at me. His voice even changed to something so authoritative.

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