Chapter Twenty-six

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"Yeah, this kid with fire-looking hair is amazing." I said with enthusiasm- "tone it down." Jungkook scolded out of nowhere.

Geez, we aren't even that loud. Jin lowered the volume and because of that, he had to pull his phone closer in our faces.

Waitresses then came to our table and placed down plates after plates and glasses.

Hmm.. I never knew I pointed at the very simple breakfast.. eggs and bacon with a little side of green leaf vegetable, I was sure it looked different on the menu.

I looked at Jin's plate and he's having a big avocado toast with tomatoes and fried egg. That looks good..

"Do you want some?" Jin asked, making me startled that he even saw me sneakily looking at his plate. "No, no, I'm good, thank you." I smiled.

"No, I insist." Jin is then trying to slice his bread diagonally but then someone already placed the exact same food on top of my breakfast.

I looked at Jungkook a little bit who doesn't bat an eye on me, "thanks.." I then tried to unnoticeably check his plate and he still has a different plate of breakfast. Good.

He could've just given me half of this toast and not the whole plate..

I looked at Jin and he's smirking.


All of us finally finished our plates while me and Jungkook were still acting like we didn't know each other.

Jimin and Jin were discussing if we were to leave now or stay more for a while.

I kept looking everywhere but the man who's silent beside me. The more he ignores me, the more irritated I get.

"Will anyone be wanting to stay for more?" Jin asked all of us, but stared at me and Jungkook, and it seemed that he already had Jimin and his girl's answer. "I still have work to do." Jungkook said while I kept quiet. "Okay then, it's time to pack up."


We all stood up and went to our own rooms.

I walked in first then I heard Jungkook walking behind me. We were supposed to stay in this room together but last night took a turn.

I fixed the bed, folded some clothes that I left out then I cleaned a little. I wanted to see what he's doing but I also have to act unbothered.

I froze when I realized that I still live with him.. argh, I forgot about that.

I stood straight to think..

Can I maybe ask Jin to drop me off at any hotel for the moment? I need to start looking for an apartment again.

I sighed, always wanting to be one step ahead.

I zipped my bags then I headed out without looking at him.

I went outside and the three are already with their bags.

"Jin, can I ask a favor?" I smiled a little. "Sure, what is it?"

"Can you drop me off at a hotel?" I then pursed my lips in a line. I watch his eyes move past mine.

"Sorry I.. have errands y/n." Jin tried to laugh it off a little, he seemed intimidated. I looked behind me and Jungkook was standing with a distasteful look right through me with his eyes.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him when I looked back at Jin. "Okay, thank you anyways, but do you have any recommendations?"

"Not really." He pouted. I just smiled at him.

"Okay, so, can we go ahead?" Jimin said after taking a quick picture of his girl near this coconut tree and we agreed, so all of us started walking to the parking lot outside.

Since it's kind of a long walk, Jin and Jimin chatter again while I try to think where to go.

Once we got to the parking lot, Jimin bid goodbyes with his girl to us and said that we all need to go out again soon. We waved as his car drove off.

Jin next bid his goodbye to us and I could see how affected he is with us two having a cold war.

I watched him get to his car and before he got far, he honked at us twice.

Now what..

I stood for a second before I lifted my foot to walk away and just find any taxi-

"Get inside." He said in the most cold tone I ever heard from him while I heard the car door click open.

"No thanks." I said without looking and because of that, he pulled my arm and made me face him.

"Get inside the car." I finally got a look of his unbothered face. I pulled my arm away from him and I opened the rear door, not the front door he opened.

If he's petty, so be it.

He closed the front door then he rounded around the car to get in his seat.

He started the car and it was so quiet. I focused on the scenery as we passed by instead.


He parked the car and I went straight inside his house since he gave me a duplicate key.

I immediately went upstairs to fold my clothes back in my baggage to leave. I won't stand being ignored this way.

Dramatic, I am.

After I cleaned all of my things and got them in my baggage, I carefully took one step at a time on the stairs since it's heavy.

I looked to the living room and he's drinking, sitting on the couch with his phone.

Pssh. Drinking at this time of day.

I got to the last step and was ready to head out of the door. "Where do you think you're going?" He said it in his authoritative tone.

I didn't look nor bothered to speak, I just turned the knob and I pulled my baggage out of the doorstep but I was pulled inside of his door again.

"Just let me go." I said, trying to pull my arm away but he already got me a few steps back from the door then he shuts it and looks at me irritated.

"What, you plan to stay with Taehyung now?" He snickered sarcastically.

"What's with you?? So what if he kissed me? Why are you so bothered about it?" I complained.

I stared at him for a moment and he wasn't talking, but I could feel how he hates to remember it.

"See? This is why I'm leaving." I said as I passed by him then he pulled me by my arm again and now I'm in front of him.

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