Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Then marry me." I cut him off with his heated tone. "You don't know what you're saying y/n, you are just in heat to say this, you might know me better sooner or later and find out that I'm not the man you wanted."

"Do you think I don't feel the same way? I gave my everything to a man that just threw it all away to pieces. I am making new pieces of myself to get myself together and it's harder than it looks because I don't know where to start." I blurted it all out while Jungkook was just looking at me, unfazed.

"So you're starting with me?" He tilted his head a little.

"Just say you don't want it and I'll be out of your sight." I demanded.

I watch as the side of his mouth curls to a satisfied one. "Never knew you're this feisty."

"I try." I retorted in a shrugging manner and his brow twitched upward a little. "You're a woman that didn't lose any value, let me court you still."


"So we agree then."

"No, I'm already answering you." He sucked his bottom lip, suppressing his smile. "Jungkook, what more is there to wait, I was already a wife, it's not a problem to be a wife again."

"Say that again?" He said in a suddenly raspy voice. "What?"

"Say that you're a wife." His eyes are looking hungry again.. "I'm your wife."

"Fuck, don't start." His jaw clenched badly after hearing me say it. I really want him and hearing that he has to marry me first makes me want him more.

I was ready to grab and unhook my bra again but he yanked my hands in front of me and he held it together with a single hand.

"You don't want to do that, trust me." He whispered with eyes shooting daggers to mine. "Why."

"I play differently in bed, you have to remember, I am not Benette."

He then gently placed me off of his lap to put me down in the tub as he stood up with eyes sticking to mine before he went out of the bathroom.. leaving me in an appalled state.

I can't believe his intentions towards me are far greater than sex. I think I've just hit rock bottom in falling for him.


Standing on the balcony, I seize the cool air of the night.

I kind of felt guilty and sheepish about my actions earlier, pushing him to have sex with me.

"Aren't you going to bed?" His voice would just suddenly make my body lively.

I couldn't turn around from the embarrassment earlier so of course, he turned me around to face him.

"Are you mad at me?" I shaked my head. "What's the problem then, tell me." He thinks I have my head hung low from sulking but I'm actually shocked, staring at his bare body.

He's just in his shorts..

I gulped but then he lifted my chin up so I quickly lifted my eyes so he wouldn't catch me ogling him.

"What is it?" He softly asked. "I just.. feel unsettled about earlier.. asking you something out of character."

"Was it really out of character?" He smirked, making me shy again.

"I like that character, do you often do that to Benette too?" My brows jumped high.

I couldn't answer and just looked at him. He then extended his arms to hold onto the railing, caging my figure as he intently stared at me. "Answer."

"W-Wouldn't it be best if we don't.. talk about him?"

"I'm talking about you, y/n."

"I.. never did." I finally said it, now both of us are just staring at each other's orbs.

It took a moment before he placed his hand and held the side of my neck under my ear. "That's good to hear." He whispered as our eyes tried to talk with each other.

"Can I kiss you?" His eyes moved down to my lips.

"Don't ever do that again." I said and his eyes moved back to mine. "Never ask, kiss me as you please." I said, desperate deep inside.

He took a step closer and that felt so good, like I'm being held by some big animal trying to cage a prey.

Now he's looming over me, waiting for him to kiss me.

Slowly, he bends lower to get close to me, his lips instead redirected to my earlobe and he's wetting it with his tongue, making me a little weak.

It was just a short act which caused me confusion, "let's sleep." He whispered. He stood straight while I felt much more in need.

"That's.. it?" I asked, in demand. He smiled big before turning around and when he got inside the room, "I'm not sleeping until you kiss me atleast." I negotiated.

I never knew I'd be this demanding to a man who always tries to lure me in just to let me go again. A complete tease.

He went back out and he swept me off of the floor making me gasped since I've never been picked up this way.

He threw me by his shoulder then in a second, I was thrown back on the bed. "Yah, I'm not a bag!"

He then spreads my legs for him to get in between me, I lifted my head and I see.. his dick is trying to escape his tight shorts..

"I-I uh.." it looks so hard. It must be nice to just suck it and take my time-

"A little naughty, aren't we? Should I cover myself up just to keep your eyes somewhere else?" He said while he held my chin to just look at his face.

"N-No! I wasn't looking??" I tried to defend an obvious act.

He chuckled and his smile is just the best, it makes me want to look at it all the time.

"You said you weren't a bag?" I nodded, "then that's too bad."

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