Chapter Twenty-three

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I took it and I gave him a smile. "Are you with.. anyone?"

Before I could speak, Jungkook was already behind me. "Baby, you didn't wait for me." Is what he said before kissing my shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry.." the man I was about to entertain left. I quickly turned and gave Jungkook a death stare.

"What? You wanted him?" He said as if I had a disgusting taste in men. "Uh, can't I?"

"You can't."

"Fine, Jungkook, you won the bet, no man can come near me. Now, are we good?" I said, already over the bet.

"No we are not. I'm not stopping." He said it seriously. "What?" I got confused.

Suddenly, I heard laughter somewhere close so I looked and it's Jimin and his girlfriend. They're playing around in the water.

I envy how lovely they look..

"Do you want that?" Jungkook asked and I looked at him. "Want what?"

"What Jimin and his girl are doing."

"Oh you meant playing? No, I'm good."

He then laughed, "I meant their relationship." Oh.. well how dense of me.. "right.." I said, laughing it off a little.

"Do you want that?" He asked again and I nodded, looking at them still.

"Who wouldn't.. would you not want that?" I said, looking at him finally when I asked.

"If you want to."

"Why me?" I was shocked. "Well who else would I do it with."

"Karina?" He then gave me a defeated look. "Stop mentioning her, I told you, I want someone else."

"Yet I can never know-"

I gasped when he suddenly pulled me up and he wrapped my legs around his waist. "What are you doing??"

I then stared out at the distance once I felt his cock against me.. it's so.. hard.

"I-I uh, Jungkook.. you should put me down.." I gulped. "There's no reason for it." He said.

"Y-Yes there is." I gulped again, looking away.

"What is?"

"Y-You.. I can.." argh! How do I say it! "Y/n-"

"Icanfeelyoubeinghard." I said it so fast.

"What? Say it slower?" Did he seriously not get it??

I took a deep breath, "Jungkook, we are grown adults so I'll say it to you with much understanding.. I can feel your dick.. hard."

I stared at him even though I was so embarrassed. "I know that you feel it." Is all he said, making my jaw drop.

"Don't open it like that, I haven't even slid it in you." He laughed which made me hit his shoulder. "Put me down then!" Holy hell?? I didn't know he could joke around like that??

God, why is my heart beating.

"No." He said, smirking. "This is so wrong." I said to myself, shaking my head.

"Stop talking and just seize it. Put your arms around my neck." I had to think for a moment.. oh well, I've already been in worse situations with him..

I wrapped my arms around his neck then he walked further in the water, making me breathe deeper.

"D-Don't go too deep.."

After I said that, I felt his hands squeeze my waist.

I-It must've sounded so wrong.

I then shut my eyes remembering how my covered slit and his hard dick are so close to each other.

I should watch how I say it..

He stopped walking when the water level is barely on our collar now.

"Look at me." I followed what he said, "is this alright or should I walk a few steps back?"

"It's fine."

"Am I holding you too tight?" I nodded. He then moved his hands to my ass, giving him big eyes.

He kept staring at me, making me feel conscious. "Is something wrong with my face?.."

He shaked his head.

Then why is he just looking at me.. I didn't talk anymore and just looked at him the same way.

I gulped that I find this tension increasingly dangerous.

"Can you.. try to slowly put me down?" He nodded, I unwrapped my legs around his very slim waist.

I had to quickly take a deep breath when I started to just barely float. This is hard, I can't quite move my legs here.

I held a little tighter on his shoulders when I can't quite float correctly anymore.

I was suddenly scooped up my ass by him again, and when he lifted me up to slide me down his body, I flinched so hard when his dick poked my slit.

I looked at him in shock and his face didn't faze a bit. Just how close did we get for him not to be shy about it?

"Sorry, did it hurt you?" I embarrassingly shaked me head fast and looked away. It actually hurted me a little but it also made me flinch deep down.

"Uhm.. why don't we go back to the sand.. and maybe you can.. try to fix yourself.." Good God we shouldn't even be talking about something so intimate.

"I don't need to fix it, I need someone to fix it."

"O-Okay then.. go look for it." I said as I kept my head looking away.

"Why don't we try to submerge ourselves for just a few seconds, can you do that y/n?" He suddenly changed the topic.

"Okay.." I said, finally looking at him, letting the change of subject buy my thoughts.

"On the count of three, we'll both go down okay?" I nodded without a thought.

"One.. two.. three-" he then pulled us down after I gasped for air and I felt water get in my ears.

I opened my eyes and he looked unfazed as always. He then lifted us up again.

I gasped for air as we surfaced then I tried hitting my temple because of the water in my ears.

"Don't hit yourself, we'll still have to go deeper and longer, can you do that?" He said as he pulled my hand away from my temple.

"Longer? I don't think I can do that." I said with a little anxiousness. "Just tap me if you feel out of breath."

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