Chapter Eleven

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"Fine. I'm sorry that I had to ignore you because of how embarrassed I was that night asking for a kiss, okay?."

He then faced me. "Doesn't matter how ridiculous it sounds to you. As long as I've never done anything bad, don't ignore me." He calmly stated.

I looked away, feeling a little guilty now.

My body jolted when his hand held the side of my neck, his thumb stroking my cheek making me heat up.

I snapped my head to look at him. "W-What are you.." I can't lie, I missed having someone hold me.

"Blush looks good on you."

"I-I'm not blushing!" He then tilted his head. "Aren't you wearing make-up right now?"

Oh, right.. I felt so dumb overreacting. "I forgot.." I said quietly.

"But why are you so dolled-up?" He let go and my skin felt so empty again.

"I just feel like it. It makes me feel better, oh and I'm handing this to Benette" I waved the white envelope in front of him.

"Why don't you just let my lawyer handle it."

"I want him to see that I'm determined in cutting it off with him."

"Brave girl." He pats my head again. It always makes me feel good.

"I still think I should let the owner kick you out of here, my house feels so empty." He chuckles.

I stuck my tongue out playfully. "I told you, be careful of what you let out of that mouth." He taunts teasingly.

I took his wrist and pretended to check his arm out. He's just letting me, which is a good sign for what I'm up to. "Hey! What's that!" I said out loud, pointing to nowhere in which he was quick to look.

Now's my chance.

I bit his arm and he groaned. "Yah, are you my dog?" He flicked my forehead, making me let go of his arm.

I laughed. "It was just a sudden impulse." I looked at his arm and bite marks really left an imprint on him.

"Oh I see." He said, sounding smart. "What?"

"You're trying to have a bite out of me. Do I look so good?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Bye Felicia." I said sassily, turning around but he pulled me, making my back hit his chest.

"If I take a bite out of you, would you let me? It's only fair, right?" He whispered.

He's so close to me. I couldn't even say anything.

"Doesn't matter if you oppose, I'd do it anyway." He then pushed me inside my apartment.

Why can't I suddenly speak?? And it's just a bite y/n, keep it together.

He closed the door on the way in and I got startled when he swept all of my hair on one side of my shoulder.

"Wait, where are you biting??" I tried to face him since he's behind me but he made me still.


"Yah-" I tried turning to him but he held my arms tight. "Stay still, I promise it won't be painful."

I gulped.

"Ready?" He asked, hands on my waists now. My heart is beating hard.

"You can bite me again if it'll make you feel better." He mutters.

Argh, get this over with-

"Hmp." He latched his mouth on my neck and I had to slap my mouth with my hand from letting out any unusual sounds.

He lightly dug his teeth on my skin but it didn't last long. I then felt his tongue and his lips sucking my skin.

He removed my hand from my mouth. "J-Jungkook.."

I wanted to get out of his hold but his hands slid to my stomach to trap me.

God I won't hold much longer.

I started panting and I felt my legs weaken.

"No.." I murmured but he kept sucking on my skin.

I felt my womanhood throbbing. "Hnng.." he sucked on me harder before he finally let go and that's when I realized that he was supporting my body from falling.

"Sorry. I can't give you any pain, pleasure however, is what I'm good at." He whispered to me but I felt so dazed.

He chuckled maybe because I wasn't able to talk.

"Ready to go see your husband?" He asked while I felt too much dopamine rushing in my veins.

I shaked my head unknowingly. He chuckled again, "sorry, got carried away."

Should I be mad that he's just laughing it off while I feel so turned on..

I recollected myself, still leaning on him and after a while, I quickly turned around and tip-toed to reach his neck but I'm only a few inches away.

Jungkook's POV

I chuckled that she's struggling to get to my neck.

"I guess it's a dead end then."

"Sit down." She crosses her arms. "Can't."

"Why not, it's not fair." She's frowning like a kid. As if she wasn't softly breathing a minute ago.

"Because I still have to drive you to your husband so we can get this over with." I mused.

"I'll be watching you." She said, pointing her two fingers to her eyes and back at me simultaneously, making me chortle.

I'm just laughing it off but I'm dead hard down there. I simply pretended to look at my shoes but I actually checked to see if it's obvious.

Damn it is, but I have to pretend like it's nothing and I hope she doesn't notice it.

"Shall we?"

"Will you wait for me here or are you just dropping me off?"

"I'll wait." She nodded and went out of the car.

As soon as she left, I fixed my dick in a more comfy position and tried to think of something else.

"J-Jungkook.." I sighed as my intrusive thoughts were getting the best of me.

I got out of the car to stand and simply checked it again from the outside view.

It's still fine but I feel so stuffy inside.

I just have to think about babies, clouds, dogs-



"What?" I turned my head and she's already beside me. "I just remembered something.. sorry, how did it go?" I said to cover my curse.

"He isn't in the house, let's try and check him in your workplace."

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