Chapter Thirty-eight

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I bit my lip, feeling turned on with his whispering, but of course, I have to hold myself together.

"Now.. How about if I had my hair longer? Say, shoulder length? What do you think about it?"

"I told you, anything suits you," I then got on all fours, facing him, "are you planning to have a different style?"

His eyes were ogling my ass so I chortled, making his eyes look at mine. "Are you doing this on purpose?" He smirked, holding my chin.

"No, but if you want to, yes I am." I flirted making his eyes glint playfully.

"I can see your underwear from here."

"It's for you to see.. and strip." I grinned, making him bite his lip.

"Bad girl." He said then he slowly leaned his face forward and when I thought he'd kiss me, he didn't.

"Stop being such a tease, princess." He spoke just an inch from my lips.

"I can't help it." I whispered back. I then remembered the talk we had on the car ride to get here.

"About earlier.. in the car.." I looked in his eyes while he leaned back, hands behind him, planted on the grass, "yes?"

I don't think he's on the same page as me by his mindless response.

"I'll do it here."

I caught sight of his Adam's apple move with realization in his eyes. "No princess, let's not-"

"You'll be wearing the flavored condom, basically I'm not really sucking you raw-"

"Stop talking-" he took my face by hastily gripping my neck and kissed me hard.

I crawled towards him without parting our lips to make him lay down and when he laid flat, I sat on his dick and surprise, he's damn stiff.

I rubbed myself on him, making him hug my waist to make me still.

Our kisses are so wet and noisy, it makes my insides weep.

After a while, he sat up, panting with eyes glinting at me.

"Don't ever open your mouth about that, okay?"

"Hmm, you promised about it-!"

I was shocked when he lifted my shirt from the back then he spanked me. It was really painful and that was just a single slap on the butt cheek.

My mouth was open, just staring at him in disbelief while he just looked at me seriously.

"Did you just-"

"I can do it again if you're hard to talk to." He tilted his head a little to the side, provoking me.

I just blinked several times. That slap was hard..

I nodded my head countless times to just submit to him. I guess there won't be any blowjobs..

We kept staring at each other, then I felt each of his hands softly cup my ass cheeks.

"Was it too painful?"

"I can take it.." I answered like a bewildered child.

He snorted a laugh, "I saw, but was it painful?"

I nodded my head then that's when he started kneading my ass and while doing so, he caught my lips once again.

I could have his lips for every day and I won't get tired of it.

I was fine kissing him and him kneading my ass when he started to stretch my ass open making me distracted.

I'm getting more horny feeling my underwear dig deeper in my hole.

"Hmm.." I moaned to try and tell but he just moved his hands further down to now spread my folds better.

He knows what he's doing then..

I kissed him harder as I feel him trying to spread me more and my underwear is now uncomfortably sticked to my clit and slit.

"I-It's far too much in me.." I said, breaking the kiss.

"Good." He then tugged my underwear from the back making me gasped that it deepened the fabric and grazing my sensitive points.

"Ah-! What are you-"

"You were such a tease, I'm trying not to be so forgiving for now." He smiled pleasingly.

Another tug making me about to break skin, "stop! It'll hurt." I said trying to get up but he secured his arms around my waist.

But God, I am loving this to my core.

I only looked at him and he's staring at me in full contemplation. What could be running in his mind.

Out of nowhere, he changed our position by quickly laying me down on the grass and him hovering me.

Jungkook's POV

All I could think about is just my hand pulling her underwear off her dainty body.

I'm staring at her glistening eyes. How beautiful would they be once they flicker from the pleasure.

I lowered my head to whisper, "my tongue is itching.." I gave a pause to agitate her mind, "I want to rub it against something.."

I heard her breathe a soft sigh, making me smirk. I'm still not over her asking me about a blowjob, my dick is still hurting from the blue balls she constantly gives.

"Something hard.. like, your nipples. I bet they're very very hard and if I pinch it with my fingers, you'd get wetter." I said with an airy voice to further seduce her.

I felt her move so I tilted my head a little to see her head facing the other way. I looked down on her chest and she's breathing a little faster.

I'm waiting for her answer or any action but none, so I continue with much smugness.

"Or rather.. something soft?" I gave another pause with a wide smirk. I'm winning this game. "Soft, what could be soft.. hmm, your breasts are so soft just by the look of it but I bet your wet pussy right now is the softest."

I tried not to chuckle when she wanted to turn to her side so I let her only to push her shoulder further to make her roll over on her stomach instead.

I of course went to press my body on top of hers this time.

She's covering her face with her hands then she laid it flat to the ground as a cushion. A sign of defeat, rather submissiveness to her desires, but.. they're my desires more than she could think.

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