Chapter Thirty-two

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I then turned around to have a simple look at his desk.

Just the typical objects you'd see in an office. Sticky notes, pens, laptop.

I looked at the walls and there are a few paintings.

When I felt satisfied, I went out and closed the door quietly to move onto the next one.

This door opposite to where I just came out looks far from being his room too.

I did a peek and it's a few equipments he must've been using to maintain his fit body.

I suddenly envisioned him working out here with just a bare upper body and him lifting this weight.

What is this called again? Some sort of.. oh I remember, they call this a dumbbell, and this one looks so heavy.

Wow, he can lift this..

No wonder he lifts me up effortlessly every time.

My eyes then went to the big glass on the front, a clear view of the trees and if people were living here, they could see him work out zero fees.

Good thing this house is isolated.

I went back out and tried to check the third door further from the first two here.

I opened it and it's his room.

Wow it's so big, and the bed too..

I went in and the big window across the wall from me is glimmering brightly because of the sun, making the room well lit.

I walked around and there's more painting here.

I saw another door as I walked closer and opened it.

A big walk-in closet. I didn't need to go in so I closed it and went back to the center of the room.

There's a big chandelier in the middle of the ceiling and it's mesmerizing.

I walked to his bed and I sat down on it. It's so soft that my butt sank in it.

I decided to just throw my body back and lay down. I turned around to have a smell of his sheet.

Hmm.. it smells so good.

Jungkook's POV

I got curious as the whole house is quiet so I went up and I already see my bedroom door from afar that it's quite open.

I looked through the open slit just to see her fast asleep sideways in my bed with her feet hanging off the bed.

I smiled seeing her there. I carefully opened my door better and I saw how her dress rode up to her ass, exposing her.

I stood in front of her and she seemed to be in a deep sleep.

I smiled that she didn't bother getting a pillow for her head. How can this girl sleep anywhere even in the most uncomfortable positions and places?

I looked back down on her ass before I pulled her dress down.

I think it was a mistake because when I did that, she laid on her stomach and she pulled her dress up completely, revealing her lower body to me then she mutters in her sleep, "it's hot."

Just by the sound of her, she's very unaware that she's talking to me-

Oh shit I didn't turn the AC on. I quickly took the remote to turn it on and I went back to standing before her.

Goddamn that's a cute ass.

She's wearing very thin underwear and it sort of has this design on the hem of it. Is this lace?

The color she chose is very contrast to the color of the dress she's wearing at the moment. A white panty.

I had to kneel and carefully untie the long straps of her heels wrapped around her ankle and placed it neatly on the side.

I stood up then decided to lay down beside her and face her properly to admire. Her head is facing my way but it's completely covered with her hair.

It's cute how her hair got disheveled from her sleep.

I slowly pry away her hair strands and after a minute or so, a beautiful face is seen.

She's sweating slightly, how did I forget to turn the AC on here.

I want to pull her dress down again but I fear that she'll start to undress if that happens.

Not that I wouldn't like it but.. I would be very tempted to have her.

Suddenly, she made her body lay sideways, facing me completely and when I looked down on her waist-down, I gulped seeing how cute her underwear was.

The curve of her hip is so amazing, I want to touch it.. kiss it.

But, what's stopping me?

I slowly went closer to her hip and started kissing it. Hmm, she smells so good.

I then froze when she turned around and laid her back completely on the mattress.

I blinked because now, I got a full view of her clothed pussy..

I didn't fight with myself and just stared at it, it's so plump looking. I bet if I eat her, my mouth and nose would be completely cushioned by it.

My eyes traveled to her stomach and I kissed it without a second thought. I then repositioned myself to look at her face this time.

How can I even wake her up to eat? Seeing her this peaceful makes it hard to disturb.

I suddenly found my eyes studying her lips. Then I looked at her cute nose and her eyes with those pretty lashes..

A work of art..

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and sighed...

I looked at the time and I worried that she had to eat, so I got on top of her, because what better way to wake her up than kisses.

I had to fix her dress first then I didn't hold myself back and just gave her a long kiss hoping she'd wake up but none.

I then gave her short smacks of kisses, and she started waking up. "Hmmm.." she sounded out in irritation then she opened her eyes and she was shocked that I'm on top of her.

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