Chapter Twenty-two

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I got frozen with big eyes as I felt the tickling sensation whirl inside my stomach.

I hope my face isn't red, watching his hands slide under my mesh-cover-up.

I rested my head back, looking away, feeling so embarrassed and ticklish that my stomach is probably waving around.

Argh! It's really ticklish-!

I quickly covered my face with my hands. "Y/n? What's with you?" I felt his hand move one of my hands off of my face.

"N-Nothing. Are we done?.." I said without looking at him.

"It's not nothing. What is it?" He held my whole jaw with his hand and he tried to make me look at him but I am too shy by this whole thing that I am resisting to give him a glance.

"You should know that I won't stop bothering you-"

"Y-You're making me shy!" I burst it out then he didn't talk.

"Good." Is all he said after a few seconds of silence. "What?.." I looked at him with just my eyes moving.

"I said," he then completely turned my face to look at him, catching me off guard, "it's good that I'm making you shy."

My eyes wavered, looking at him and how I'm feeling much more different inside.

I pushed him off lightly to back away and he let me.

I looked away again, blushing so bad inside. "Can I swim now?" I need space from him.

"Right after I put sunscreen on your chest, neck-"

"Yah! I can do that myself!" I got embarrassed again so I tried to steal my sunscreen by sitting up but I gasped when he gave me a chokehold to put me down still.

"Behave." He smirked and I felt like losing it inside. I then heard a few coughs and I looked to our sides and the three were pretending not to see us.

"Stop it!" I whisper yelled at him and he has this smirking face that I want to wipe. "Let. Go." I said after he won't release my neck.

"If you swear to stay still." He said. I had no choice but to nod.

He then planted one of his hands near my head and it looks like he's already hovering above me. God this is so embarrassing.

He then lifted my whole mesh-cover-up upto my neck to better get my chest clear with the other hand.

I'm pretending to look away but in my peripheral vision, I observe how he takes the bottle then he directly squeezes some sunscreen on my chest and neck.

I gulped feeling the cold cream on my skin.

His hand then went ahead and slowly spread the sunscreen. I kept gulping knowing that he's fully seeing my breasts this up-close.

I stopped breathing when his finger carefully glided over a part of my exposed breast.

I then heard one of the three on our side talk to themselves, "hey let's go try and pick a drink at the snack bar."

Why does Jungkook have to make it awkward?

"Are you still ticklish?" He asked and I didn't want to answer him.

"I have no problem choking you again if I have to."

I just nodded. I am so full of him, argh.

I stopped breathing again when he glided his hand over my underboob, "I just want to make sure everything's covered." He said but why do I feel like he's doing something else on purpose..

I had to stay stiff for the whole moment of his fingers gliding on my underboob. I should've chosen a better covered top piece because this one deliberately exposes my underboob.

He then went to my neck next. "Tilt your head back more so I can get to your nape." I did and I felt so exposed in some way.

He then placed some on my cheeks. His thumb would stroke it all over my face and lightly give me a facial massage. This is nice, I have to admit.

Lastly, he applied some on my arms. Or as I thought so..

"Sit up." I didn't talk anymore so I just looked at him and waited for what's next.

"Sit so I can apply some on your back." Ughhh.. I lazily sat up and I didn't think that it meant getting closer to his chest.

His scent is already tantalizing..

I looked up a little to see his neck and it looks so good.

The next thing happened, he closed the gap more to reach my back and it looks like he's hugging me but isn't.

I stayed still, feeling his hands glide on my back. I sighed internally, loving this.

"Good girl." He said after finishing and getting off of me.

I gave him a tired look again from his tone and he's smirking. "You know this is why they left right?" I said, throwing my thumb to the spot where the three used to be.

Why is he suddenly changing demeanors? Does he really want to win that bet so bad?

"Mhmm, it's good that they know how to give us our own time." He smiled and I lightly hit his chest.

"I don't know what's gotten you." I said as I stood up, trying to look at my body after I removed this mest-cover-up. "You." He said, smiling wide, obviously poking fun of me. "Funny." I said sarcastically.

I then stride to where the waves are.

"You're swimming already?" He shouts behind me and I run to avoid him.

The moment my foot met the water, I felt relaxed.

Ahh~ this is beautiful. I looked around as I got to seize this amazing sight. I walked further to go a little deeper in the water until my feet would float off of the sand.

It's been so long since I've worn a bikini, I finally remember how freeing it is.. and how it reminds me that I'm free.

I'm free.

"Hi miss." I turned around and a handsome looking man was waiting for my hand to shake his.

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