Chapter Forty-nine

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"Thank you." Jungkook said and the man walked off.

"Ready?" He asked, smiling, facing me.

"I.. yeah! I guess so." I chuckled, excited, then we boarded it.

We walked to the bow and I was amazed seeing a romantically displayed table for two.

Jungkook sat me down on the chair. "Wait here a little, I'll just talk to the helmsman."

"Sure." What's a helmsman?

I watched him go up the small steps and that's where I noticed by the window in the higher part of this yacht was a man ready to maneuver it.

He shaked hands with him and they laughed. He then went down and then he sat in front of me.


"Yes princess?"

"What's a helmsman?"

He then told me that the place that man was in is called helm so I finally got the name.

I lifted the wine glass only for my hand to shake a little causing my eyes to grow big.

I looked at Jungkook to see if he noticed it and he's smiling at me.


"Nothing, why are you defensive hmm?" He cheekily smiled.

"I'm not."

"Sure haha."

I jokingly rolled my eyes at him and looked at the passing view.

This is so amazing.

Jungkook's POV

She's so beautiful.

My eyes moved to the chef coming our way with a tray in his hand.

He smiled, while y/n is so focused on the view. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Ms. Jeon."

She almost jumped in her chair making me grin. She looked at the chef with big eyes before looking at me, she then puckered her lips inward, trying not to laugh at herself.

"Good afternoon Mr. Larry." I said.

He started placing our plates down then he left.

After looking at our meal, I looked at y/n and she's looking at me.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" I got concerned quickly.

"No, it's nothing serious." she then chuckled.

"Okay, but I still need to know, baby."

"He called me Ms. Jeon." She then smiled ear to ear. I then smiled.

"Do you like that last name?"

"Very." she smiled then I guess the universe is on my side because I was about to distract her by looking away for a bit but she did it on her own.

Y/n's POV

I can't believe the chef thinks I'm his wife already.

I looked at the water again because of the strong wind brushing the side of my hair.

"Do you think we c-" what..

"Marry me and I'll give you my world."

I have played this scene in my head a million times and I would shout yes but right now, right now is a scene I didn't imagine coming.

I'm covering my mouth with my hand, looking at the red box he's holding with a crystal clear diamond ring in it. He's sitting, smiling at me and I nodded my head so fast, unable to say a word.

 He's sitting, smiling at me and I nodded my head so fast, unable to say a word

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(A/N: saw this AI photo on tik tok by @jinxzf. It's perfect but just don't imagine him with sunglasses, ring and his posture right there.)

"You have to say it baby." he laughed and I looked at his eyes again.

"Yes.. yes.. yes yes yes yes yes!" I finally shouted it out, heart pounding with a head feeling like I'm floating away.

It's real. It's really real. He's about to stand up with a big smile so I also did and met him halfway to which I jumped on him and clinged around his neck.

"Yes!" I shouted again, hugging him tight and he held my waist to keep me up and he buried his face on my neck. "Thank you y/n." he whispered with so much security in his tone.

He sounded like he was afraid I would say no. I would never.

I slowly untangled my arms around his neck and so he carefuly placed me down. We're now looking at each other's eyes and just smiling. He then held my right hand, I watched him slide the ring on my finger.

I covered my mouth with my other hand, mesmerized about the ring. I then planted my right hand on his chest just to get a better view of the ring. I looked up to him and he kissed me.

I snaked my hand on his nape and kissed him tenderly.

"Wooo! Congrats sir!" the helmsman shouted from above and it caused me to break the kiss from the sudden embarrassment. "Thank you Xian!" Jungkook shouted back with a happy smile.

He then looked at me. "I'm sorry that we haven't eaten yet, but it was the perfect time to ask." he then chuckled.

I kissed him instead and he's smiling. I don't care about the food anymore either haha, he just asked me!!

He then held my face with both hands and broke the kiss. He's studying my face and I could see how happy his eyes are.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if I also marry you the same day?" he asked dreamily.

"I know." I said, chuckling at his thought.

He then kissed my forehead then he looked at where the helm is. "Xian!"

"Yes sir!"

"Let's go to the island!"

"Woo! On it sir!"

"Island?" I asked.

"Mhmm, we get to walk around there. It's my friend's private island." he smiled.

"Oh, okay." I giggled.

"Baby, you have to eat. Hahaha, that ring won't dissappear even if you took your eyes off of it for a second."

I'm still covering my mouth with my hand, gazing at my hand that's now perfectly beautiful because of the ring.

I then giggled, it's the fourth time he's asked me to eat. "I'm sorry, it's just.. I can't believe it." I giggled.

He placed his fork down and he took my hand. He kissed my knuckles. "Believe it. I'd marry you everyday if I can." he then smiled wide, making me smile much more.

I then start to get teary again because I still can't believe it.

"Awe, baby." he chuckled, standing up while he tugs my hand to stand up as well. We walked near the edge of the boat.

He made me face the water, back-hugging me after.

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