Chapter Fifty-five

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“G-God.. stop..” I let go of her arm so I could spread her ass more.

“J-Jungkook.. oh!” 

I enjoy eating pussy when I love a woman, fuck, it’s melody to my ears to hear her moan.

I felt her hole pulsating but I remembered she has to see this so I stopped for a moment to flip her and spread her legs in front of me.

I pressed open her legs down, using both of my arms to pin them still.

I then looked at her but she wasn't.

“Princess, look at me.”

She lifted her head and when we locked eyes, it sparked a much more enthusiasm inside me.

I showed her my tongue and I slowly pressed it on her clit and her eyes wavered.

I mouth her pussy again while I looked at her and I quickly flicked my tongue. Her mouth gaped open without me realizing that she’s already-

“Ahh~!! Oh! F-Fuck!!” She quivered fucking hard and I felt every muscle of her pussy twitching.

Her thighs were fighting me to close it but I still have the fondness of tasting her.


Last lick. I then took something from underneath the mattress while her legs automatically snapped close.

I wore it on her left thigh, her wedding garter.

I got on top of her because she isn’t talking- oh, haha, how cute of her. She’s hiding her face under the pillow.

My eyes saw her breasts again so I mauled on it like a hungry wolf.


She’s then using the pillow to block her breasts from me so I looked at her amused and I was soft to see her embarrassed.

“You’re too quick to be eating me at our first time..” she sulks.

I ran my fingers on the strands of her hair on the side of her face. “Wasn’t it you, asking me to have sex whe-” 

My face met the pillow and I smiled. 

“That’s bad baby, very bad.” I inch slowly down on her and she looks at me with curious eyes.

I let her stare at me for a moment. She has to know this doesn’t have to be fast forward, we can stay this way forever. 

“You’re so beautiful.” 

“Stop hitting on me, I just got married.” She giggled and her response was not what I’d expect so I chuckled too.

“Then I must be so handsome to have you under me right now, hmm?” 

She chortled then shakes her head. 

I got so distracted by her smile that I went to kiss her without thinking.

We kissed while her hands rub my body for a while.. she now tugged my towel off and she broke the kiss just to see my dick.

My lips curled upward because of her behavior just now.

“Pervert little girl.” I sat up so she could see me better.

“Sorry, I’m not that big-of-a-man, but I will last long.” I then looked at her and her face looked.. astounded.

Should I be worried?.. Is it small for her?

“Baby?” I asked, then she looked at me.

“You’re.. thick.” Oh.

“Is it a good thing?” I said cautiously.

She nodded obediently. Well I guess I shouldn’t be worried now.

I took both her legs to close it then I hung them on my right shoulder before hovering over her to fold her steadily while leaning on my weight.

Y/n’s POV

Oh God, it’s racking my mind how much of a girth he has. I imagined him being slim but he’s a thick guy, and now he just folded my body and I can’t move to nowhere.

I gulped when I saw him reaching for his cock- “I haven’t asked, would you be comfortable if we do it raw, baby?”

Wow, this man is top tier, a green flag. 

I got so dumbfounded the first few seconds before my mind clicked back again.

“I wouldn’t mind..” I think I’ll be in a bottomless pit of falling for him times infinity. 

My heart has been pounding double the moment I heard him walking towards me.

My eyes caught the garter around my thigh. I feel like blushing red..

I thought he would already put it in but he reached for me instead and kissed me.

The feeling of my pussy just being bare with his dick waiting turns me on so much.

“Daddy, put it in.” I couldn’t wait anymore with my core throbbing. 

He stopped the kiss and placed his forehead on top of mine, just staring at me while I felt his thumb press on my wet hole.

I gulped just looking back at him. 

I then felt it get replaced by his tip. Oh God..

He presses himself onto me but it slipped making him smirk. “Too wet, my love.” 

“God, stop teasing..” I breathed out and what happened next made me gasp out loud.

He drives it in one push and my mouth is just gaping wide, feeling him in me so stretched out.

“Oh my God..” I whispered and we kept looking at each other’s eyes without any movements. 

I see it in his eyes that he’s suppressing his male instincts. 

I bit my lip when I felt him twitch and he’s still not moving, he may be giving me time to stretch.

He kissed me again and that’s when he started to slowly pull. “Oh God..” I mumbled because I felt that stroke was heavenly.

He then pushes back in slowly, he kept doing it, building his speed up in the process and that’s when I started to moan in his mouth.

He gets faster, making our bodies bounce with the bed and I can’t catch up to him because the sensation is melting me.

“F-Fuck..” h-he wasn’t kidding about stamina..

My eyes rolled when he hugged me, his mouth panting on my ear.

“Do you love that, princess? Mmm-fuck you grip me so hard.. ha.. I’ll creampie you for every round I do..”


I can’t.. think.. 

Jungkook’s POV

I feel her hugging me tight with constant moans coming out left and right.

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