Chapter Six

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I went back to him and held his wrist and pulled him. "Sleep." I said, dragging him upstairs.

We got to his bedroom so I let go of him and then I fluffed his pillow and faced him again.

"Sleep tight." I said with a big smile while he just remains quiet.

I walked past him but he had a question, "where are you going?"

"Hm? Downstairs." I looked at him. "Will you be gone before I wake up?"

"No, I'll leave once you wake up."

He was quiet then he walked to his bed to sit down on it. "If I don't sleep?" He starts to undo his tie as he looks at me.

I ended up getting distracted by his hands moving. "Oh.. uh.."

He removed his suit, he's only left with the polo.

I quickly turned around when he was unbuttoning it.

"I mean.. I'll still leave later.." I finally got my mind together that I turned around.

"You can't find a place to stay right away, you'll have to look for any vacant apartments first."

He's right but I can't overstay.

"I have no problem with you living here."


I couldn't say anything anymore..

"Can I hear your thoughts?" I was startled that he's behind me now.

I turned around and I had to lift my head a little more to meet his eyes.

I have to ignore the fact that I saw his chest peaking a little under his polo..

"Hm?" I asked.

"Can I know what you're thinking?" He placed each of his hands on his waist.

"It's just.. I'm still married.. I can't get you into trouble."

"No one knows." I got taken aback by his reply.

"Yes, for now. I can't risk the possibility." I looked at the far corner of this room.

"The last time I let you decide, I ended up picking you in a club."

"A-Ah, right." I chortled.

"Forget about sleeping, let's talk about you." This time, he was the one to take my wrist and when I noticed that we were going to his bed, I stopped walking and he noticed.

"Uh.. what are we.." I got flustered when he looked at me.


"Why are we going there?.." he looked at the bed I was pointing at. "To sit." He chuckled and I got more flustered that he read my mind.

It was the first time I saw him chuckle this care-free, he's handsome, I can't deny that.

We sat on the edge of his bed, facing each other.

"Are you better now?"

"Yeah, thank you for the tylenol." I smiled. "Not that." He chuckled again.

Oh. I never even remembered I was hurting because of his presence.

"I still feel like there's a big rock in my chest."

"But it's bearable because of you, thank you.." I gave him my honest smile and he smiled a little, nodding.

"I'll also.. ask for divorce. I know it'll just be easy since we have evidence of them."

I rubbed my face with my hands remembering the sight I saw in his office. It's such a nightmare, always flashing in my mind.

"Argh, I hate him. If I could just slap it back to his face.."

"I'm a man myself, I know what'll make him fume."

A day has passed and I am standing before our front door.

I took a deep breath through my nose, I can do this.

I knocked and waited. It took time before he opened it and when he saw me, he pulled me in a tight hug, singing the words 'sorry' multiple times.

"Baby." He said, crying. Fuck that.

"Can you get off of me." I feel all icky. I tried to push him off but he hugged me tighter. "Benette, let go." I said, gritting my teeth.

"No baby, let me talk, let's start over." He held my face while looking at me.

"Are you stupid?" I said, irritated. "I'm just here to get most of my things. I tried to push him off but he wouldn't let me.

"Fucking let go Benette, you knew what the fuck you were doing to me." I spat.

I felt my eyes sting again, I hate it. He did it for a year, a year!

"No baby, no, please let's talk." He desperately hugged me.

"I don't need to hear anything from you Benette, I've seen enough. I will file for a divorce and we'll part." I said with my heart hurting.

Tears fell from my eyes. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, let's go to Canada, we'll start over."

"No country can erase what you did to me, Benette." I stared at the wall.

"Why are you even crying Benette, seriously.. grow up. You did what you did." My patience is ticking off.

I muster up the strength to push him and he finally lets go.

I went to our bedroom to get all of my clothes and papers that are important to me.

"Baby.." he hugged me from behind again but I kept on collecting my clothes.

I moved fast because if I'd stayed longer, I might let my hand fly to his face.

I zipped up my luggage and pulled it. Benette pulled my arm.

"Stop it!" I pulled my arm screaming. "What's there to act about? Am I not doing you another favor by leaving?? You get to fuck around again."

"No, baby please.." he wanted to hold my hand but I kept my distance.

"Stop it Benette, besides. I met someone."

"What." He sounded off by what he heard. "You heard me, the next time we see, sign the papers."

I pulled my luggage and went out of the door fast.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeves.

I kept walking until I finally found his car..

"How was it?"

The car finally moved after I got in. "Shitty." I sighed.

"And you're right, he seemed irritated when I said I was seeing someone."

Jungkook's POV

I laid down in my chair, thinking.

She's right, she needs her own place to stay or else her living with me while she's still married can make the situation harder.

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