Chapter Twenty-five

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Does he only see me as a friend in distress?

I kept staring at his side profile from my view and as the sun glinted behind his head, a pretty aura came out of him, making me fall completely for him.

Water dripped off of his hair, nose and jaw..

This is bad, we're doing much more now, how will I stop it if I also want this.

It's like hurting myself all over again.. I should.. stop this.


I told him I feel sleepy and that I need the room to myself but actually, after he left, I quickly escaped on a different route.

Now here I am, drinking in a different bar.

I can't believe I let myself slip again, good job y/n.

I took a small shot glass and drank the content of it. I grunt ugly as I feel the bitterness slide down my throat.

I sighed then I propped my jaw on the back of my hand as I scan the people drinking here, specifically men.

If I'm going to hurt, might as well do it full blown.

My eyes stopped at a pair of eyes that were already staring at me.

Another handsome man.. but wait.. it looks so familiar.. I blinked several times as I saw the man coming closer and once I could completely see him..

"Taehyung??" He chuckled and sat in front of me on the bar stool. "So, why are we drinking alone?" He mused.

"Ugh.. let's not talk about it." I slurred, "but hey, I didn't recognize you, you changed your hair color huh."

"Yeah, funny how I keep bumping into you." He smiled then his eyes trailed down on my neck. "Hmm, seems like you had a fun day." He smirked.


"Hickeys, baby." He said chuckling before patting my head. My eyes got rounder, realizing about earlier. "I.." I rubbed my neck with my palm, embarrassed that people saw this.

"Don't explain." Taehyung gave me his boxy smile and laughed. "But why are you alone-"

"Y/n??" I felt a hand tug my arm to have a better look at me and when the bar stool turned for me, I saw Jin.

He then clicked something on his phone, "I found her with.." Jin's eyes moved to Taehyung and he looked so terrified, "someone."

"Hmm, looks like someone escaped." Taehyung poked as he tilted his head sideways.

"Y/n, can you walk?" Jin asked and I took another shot before he assisted me to get down and I was sloppy on it so a few drops of the alcohol fell on the side of my lips down to my chin.

Taehyung was quick to lean and suck it with his mouth and I was shocked.

"Goodnight." He said, smirking before Jin completely carried me in his arms.


I woke up feeling like the undead..

Ughh.. my body feels heavy. What happened last night, how did I end up back here?

I tried to recall..

I was being carried by Jin but that's it, I fell asleep.

The door then opened and Jin came in. The last person I expected to come in.

"Uhm.. Jungkook asks you to eat then freshen up." Then Jin placed an Advil on the nightstand of this room, seemingly uneasy.

"Jin, where's Jungkook? Why didn't he come here instead?" I said as I sat up slowly from the mild headache.

"He didn't like what happened last night." He said, scratching his nape. "What happened last night?" I was shocked.

"You didn't-.. well.. some guy somehow kissed you."

Last night? I tried to dig further in my head if such a thing happened- I gasped with the slow realization. "You told him??"

"No?? He saw it himself, turns out he was already tailing me in finding you so he saw it, didn't you remember how I handed you to him?" I then covered my face with my hands in a slapping manner and grunting.

No I didn't.

"I'll leave you to it." Jin said then I heard him close the door on his way out.

How does he not like it, oh maybe because of that stupid bet again. Argh! Men and their thin-shattering ego.


I freshened up and got out of the room.

I went out, thinking that maybe all of them were hanging outside.

I looked around and just as I thought, they're sitting in front of this cute fast food restaurant and Jin finally saw me, I looked at Jungkook and he looks like his mind was flying elsewhere.

When I got close to them, I said, "Good morning" and I looked at each of them, and Jungkook isn't looking at me.

I sat beside him because it was the only available one. I refrained from looking at him again because a part of me is a little conscious as to why he's being distant that bad.

"Okay, so everyone's here, pick what you want." Jimin said as he distributed each of us a menu.

Hmm.. I'm not that in the mood anymore since Jungkook is acting this way.. "I should just eat later, you guys go ahead." I said as I was ready to stand.

"Sit." Jungkook said and it stopped me without thinking. I sat back down, sulking a little that he sounded off.

It was barely a kiss and he's acting like a kid.

I just then noticed that the three are quiet, making me lower my head a little and so I just pointed out a simple breakfast in the menu to Jin who's also beside me and he got it.

We waited for a while and the two couples were very clingy and sweet.

I keep tapping my fingers on the table out of boredom.. I looked at Jin and he seemed busy on his phone.

I tried to look a little at what he's watching and it's an anime that I don't find familiar.


I didn't realize that I was already so close to Jin, hooked up with the anime he's watching and I just noticed that he was facing his phone more to me.

"What's the title of this anime?" I asked.

"Kimetsu no yaiba, Demon slayer. It's good isn't it?"

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