Chapter Fifty-two

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I watched Jungkook undo the ribbon to get my ring. “Y/n”, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.” 

I gave my hand halfway he was getting it. I watched the ring slip in my ring finger and I teared, covering half my face with the bouquet.

I shaked my face a little, exhaling because it’s my turn now and he chuckled at me. He took my bouquet off of my hand so I could get the ring..

“Jungkook, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.” 

I held his hand and slid his ring and I looked at him and he is now tearing too but more composed than me.

“Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony.”

“In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!”

“Woooo!!” Everyone cheered and I kept smiling ear to ear.

“Wahhhh!!!!” I heard Karina letting loose and shouting which made me laugh.

I just kept looking at Jungkook's smiling victory. He took a step closer to me and held my veil for a few moments.

“How is it that I prepared these for months and my heart is acting wild right now.” He chuckled, shaking his head a little before he lifted my veil.

“So beautiful, my baby wife.” He held my face and I kept giggling as he neared me. 

We’ve kissed a million times but nothing is as heart-pounding as this.

I held his tuxedo when he finally placed his lips to mine and I closed my eyes to remember this.

“Huhuhu, that’s my boy!!” I hear Jin crying and the rest are cheering. 

I giggled as tears kept coming out of my eyes. 

I then had to break it off because he isn’t planning to. I laughed when I did it and he was cheekily smiling with tear stains on his cheeks.

I wiped it with my thumb and he took my hand instead and kissed my palm.

“Go in peace to glorify the Lord with your life.” Father finally dismissed. 

My mom and dad asked us to take a photo with Father then the rest of us did countless pictorials altogether..

“Jungkook, you and the boys should take a picture!” I suddenly thought of, so I looked around to ask the rest but they aren’t..

“Where are the-!!!”


I looked up to see colorful fireworks in the sky, I felt his hand wrap behind my back. “I love you.” He said and I looked at him.

“I love you so much. Thank you for doing this.” I teared again and he’s just looking at me. 

He kissed my forehead. “Why are you thanking me? This won’t be the last.” 

I giggled and continued to watch the fireworks. 

“Y/n dear!!” Jungkook’s mom came running with arms out to embrace me.

“So I’m gonna love you, like I’m gonna lose you~” 

“I really didn’t know Karina sings so well.” I said as me and Jungkook slowly danced in the middle with mom and dad dancing too.

Karina sings it so mellow and beautiful.

Jin on the other hand is listening to Karina in front of her with hands up high, waving to the song all limp-looking.

I laughed and Jungkook looked to where I was looking and he laughed too. “He’s drunk already.” 

He looked back at me.

“You’re beautiful..”

“Hey, you kept saying that haha, thank you dy.” 


“Short for daddy, I figured it’s cute to call you that way even if we aren’t parents yet.”

Jungkook’s POV


Am I just giving it too much meaning or is she changing her mind?

God, she melts me. 

I’ve been staring at her, trying to register in my mind that she’s finally my wife. 

My. Wife.

“Will you still abbreviate that in bed?” I poked and she hit my arm and tried to look for her parents nearby. 

I love that, I hope she hits me everytime I say something dirty.

“Don’t put us in trouble, we just got married.” She whispered like someone can hear us with Jin singing lousily on the back.

I held her cheek and kissed her again because I couldn’t help it.

“But you married trouble?” I retorted after and she snorted a laugh. 

Her eyes then trail to the people bringing our gifts back to the yacht. 

“We have to go home.” I said and she immediately looked at me.

“Right, home. I can’t believe I left on a date only to come home married haha.” 

I chuckled, “let’s go board? I’m sure they’ll continue drinking on the yacht.” 


Y/n’s POV

Started walking and I saw up ahead that Karina was struggling to support a drunk Jin. 

I was about to ask Jungkook to carry Jin but Jimin already went for it. Although he’s also a little wobbly, his girlfriend is beside him.

I smiled. 

“Daddy’s home, home for me!~” 

Me, Karina and Jimin’s girl are shouting to the song while the men are mostly knocked out, but not Jungkook, he’s just a little tipsy but he manages to keep an eye on me while he talks to his phone.

I placed the glass down near the half empty plates and walked up to him and he stood up.

“Who was it?” 

“It was the pilot, he just informed me that the priest was safely brought to the church an hour ago but he forgot to call.” 

“Oh, right, right.” I then smiled.

“ Are you tired, do you want to lay down?” 

“No, I’m better than ever, but you? You’re a little drunk.”

“This is nothing compared to your dad and me drinking.” He smirked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

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