Chapter Forty-two

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I faced him and he also has that smile. "I could ask the same, you know." Then I chuckled.

"Well.. I can't explain how good it felt to see them swooning over you."

My brows shot up, "swooning?"

He nodded his head and took a second to face me before looking back at the road. "Yes, they want you as my wife." He smiled at the road.

That felt like I just jumped over the moon. Nothing's better than his parents wanting me as their son's wife.

"Are you tired? You can sleep, baby." He grabbed my thighs and squeezed it catching me off guard.. not the action, but the word baby.

"Y-Yah.. just stick to one word.." I was fine with the princess, it gave me a whirlwind, but the baby was different.


"You just.. called me baby.."

"I'll call you every endearment there is, why?"

"Nothing.." all the while I was looking at the window.

"Does it.. remind you of someone?.." he asked carefully. "No, it's just.. it makes me soft.."

I then froze when I noticed him curving the car to an unfamiliar road, he pulled up conveniently in this dark open space. Oh gosh, what now.

I heard him unbuckle his seat belt then without a word, I watched him sit on the back.

I gulped when his hands started to unbuckle his belt then he wrapped it around his hand.

"Baby, come here." Agh! That word! And with his eyes, I doubt I can keep myself together. I slowly got out of my seat to make way to the back.

"Here." He tapped his lap and so I was trying to sit sideways on him but he maneuvered my waist before I could settle on his lap and now I'm facing him.

My dress rode up of course, it's a silk material that just glides on my skin. I felt extremely horny that I'm exposed.

But I doubt he could see it clearly with us being in a tight space, I mean, my bottom half is tightly pressed on his pants.

Our eyes were the only ones speaking for the past minute so I had to talk somehow or I'll end up grinding on him.

"Why did you remove your belt.."

"You want to know?" He tilted his head to the side with a small smirk etched. I nodded.

"Your dress made me sin again, and because of it, my pants feel tight."

I gulped, feeling hot as hell. Please do something, I want you to- "do something about it-" I gasped when my mouth slipped up.

I covered my mouth, feeling embarrassed while he smirks.

He didn't utter a word but I watched his hand that's wrapped with his belt go behind me then he held my hands together behind me.

We stare at each other while I let him bound my hands.

After he securely tightened it, he started to stroke my back by sliding both his hands in my dress.

I'm so wet. His eyes taunt me but I know it's always a dead end with his teasing.

I gulped again with a pounding heart and slit.

His hands slowly go down to my ass and just like how he did it in his backyard, he spreads my ass, kneading it at the same time as my underwear starts to tighten in me.

He then would squeeze it shut, stimulating me more.

He kept doing it until he grabbed something in his pocket.

Hm? His phone.

"Where's your phone?" He asked. "Inside my bag." What's with the sudden need for our phones?

He took my bag then he looked inside for a moment then he fished it out. I silently watch him type something on my phone.

Seconds later his phone lit up but there's no sound.

What is he up to?

He placed my phone down and kept his phone in his hand. He showed his screen that it's ringing.

"Should I be questioning why?" I chuckled since I'm no longer in heat.

"It's for later." He said as he placed it down beside my phone. Later?

He took my face with his warm hands and we kissed and every kiss felt like the first time with him.

His hands softly went down on my shoulder, to my arms then it rested on my thighs.

"Hmm.. hm.."


Did I say I wasn't in heat anymore? Nevermind that.

It lasted for like two minutes and it just hit me how eager I was.

I'm catching my breath while he took my phone again to press the call button, then his phone lit up for the second time.

He then switched our phones so now he's holding his.

I should ask but I need to see what he does.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me while he smiled and it makes me more suspicious.

As if all my body hair stood up with what he did, my body jerked with the sensation of his vibrating phone pressed on my ass hole.

"Hey-! What are you doing??"

He just watches me, making me feel a little embarrassed. "Jungkook, I'm asking.." I tried to get off but he just slid the very edge of his phone on my hole.


The phone stopped vibrating, meaning the call ended but of course, he used my phone again to call his phone and just seconds passed, it vibrated again.

"I just want to see how you orgasm." He smirked while my heartbeat tripled.

"W-Why here, and now?"

"I thought you wanted this, princess?" God, I do. But now feels more mischievous, especially that we just bid our goodbyes to his parents.

"I-I do.. but I didn't think of it at a time and place like this."

He then moved his phone sideways, making me gulp. Why do I feel like he wants to embarrass me? But in a good way.

I just know I'd lose it once he places it on my clit.

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