Chapter Forty-seven

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"I really like Bam, baby. Reminds me of this day." He said sincerely. I smiled, "Bam it is."

It's already evening and I'm already laying on the bed sideways, facing the windows.

Jungkook just had to shower after playing with Bam. They're so cute, it's just like a father and son duo.

I yawned, feeling my eyelids weigh.

"Hmm.." I woke up a little and opened my eyes halfway when Jungkook hugged me from behind.

"Sleeping already?" He whispered.


"But how about the pictures you sent me, baby?"

"What about it.." I slurred in my half-sleep state.

He didn't answer, he just started kissing my neck so I snuggled onto him more.

"Mm~" I softly moaned, eyes shut, ready to fall asleep.

Before I fully snoozed, I heard him chuckle.

I woke up, slowly opened my eyes and I saw Jungkook beside me, sitting, leaning against the pillows with his phone in his hands.

I suddenly remembered about last night. "Oh no, I'm so sorry I fell asleep before you finished showering."

He looked at me with his eyebrows drawn up, "have you been awake all this time?" He smiled  then he placed his phone aside and slid his body and lay down beside me again.

We faced each other, laying sideways.

"I just woke up, again, I'm sorry." I pouted.

"It's fine baby." I got distracted looking all over his face. He's really handsome.. and I'm just..

"About yesterday's photos.." he started off and I just looked into his eyes, a little nerve wracked with what he had to say.

"I want to see it in 3D." He smirked and I hit his shoulder thinking that he's trying to tease me again but his face says I'm waiting.

"Just go and stare at the photos!" I got embarrassed.

"I already did, it's not enough, baby"

My mouth gaped open, that's why he was on his phone?! "Yah! Stop with the teasing already, I can't keep up with you all the time Jeon."

I was about to face the other side but my waist was already being pulled and now I'm sitting on top of him.

Wow I just felt like a rag being dragged across this bed.

"Please, baby." I crossed my arms together with a strict face.

"No. You always get satisfied with your teasing, how about me?" I then faced the other side.

"Such a brat." He murmured so I was climbing down already but he was strong to make me sit on him still.

His grip on my hips has me wet.

"Aish.." I heard him mumble, it's not hard to figure out why.

He's so hard and since I'm a brat as he said, I grinded on his whole length, and my God it feels so nice.

"You look perfect on top of me."

Ugh. That made me hot inside. "Now, please remove this." He said, tugging the bottom hem of my shirt.


"Please." He pouted.


I gasped when he suddenly thrusted a few times, making me bounce on top of him. "Yah!! What's with you!!" I got full-on embarrassed even if it's just us.

"Just wanted my morning exercise." He casually said with a flickering grin in his eyes.

I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly through my nose.

Huh? I heard his phone camera click. I quickly opened my eyes then I snatched his phone that he was staring at.

My mouth gaped open when he was about to post my lower half that's sitting on top of him on his Instagram story.

I quickly exited it and threw his phone further away from him.

"You looked cute in it." He notioned.

"Stooooop, now let's get up because we're late for your work."

"I caaan't." Now he's moaning like a kid about to get a meltdown.


"Because, you wouldn't let me see your breasts."

I just blinked at him. "Seriously?"


I inhaled through my nose this time and just straight up stripped my shirt off. I know it's insufficient for him so I did the honor of removing my bra in front of him while I struggled to cover my very nipples with my other arm.


He didn't respond but his dick twitched.

Jungkook's POV


That's all I could say. I was just happy teasing her like a kid a moment ago but now I'm back to being a grown man with a hard dick getting pressed by the woman I love.

When she asked if I was happy, I looked back to her eyes because I was so focused on her breasts.

I know women's breasts are soft but hers looked just.. nice to suck.

I couldn't answer because my eyes are just memorizing her skin, her breasts that are round, suffocated by her arm and her shy eyes.

"Okay, time's up." She wanted to get off of me, and I wouldn't let her.. not yet.

I sat up, looked at her eyes and held her nape. "You always make me happy." I then kissed her softly but hers felt different.

She's asking for it.

I kept my pace while I glided my palms down on her back causing her to moan.

My tongue would excitedly play with hers. "Hmm.." she moans again.

"Baby don't ride me." I whispered to her mouth then spanked her ass, but what she did is that I felt both her hands caress my biceps.

Shit this means..

"Princess, cover it." I murmured but she's busy kissing me.

Alright then.

I laid down, pulling her with me and so I quickly lowered myself more and started sucking her neck without trying to lower my gaze further.


I slowly go down to her chest, spreading my mouth all over it before I finally get to stare at her breast in front of my face.

I can hear her panting.

I kissed her nipple and I saw her body twitch a little. I kissed the other one and she twitched again.

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