-𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜-

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I walked into his office and eased the door closed

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I walked into his office and eased the door closed. I thought it would be stank but seems like the central air did it's work. And it smells like car freshener. Like the cherry kind.

At least he found some sort of decency.

He's sitting at his desk and I decided to stay by the door.

"You wanted to see me sir?" One can sense the irritation in my tone but I don't care.

"Yes, Ms.Snow, have a seat." He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. I eased over but I didn't sit. It's stull disturbing how he had no shame having sex with his worker in his office.


When I didn't sit he continued.

"I would like to formally apologize for what it was that you saw. It was unprofessional and I hope that it didn't make you feel uncomfortable in any way."

"It did." I state firmly. He nods.

"I take full responsibility. However, when...it was nothing forced. It was unprofessional on both ends and I assure you something like that doesn't happen every day. Or at all for that matter."

The thing I hate most about him is his accent. It makes things seem less worse than they are. Too soothing and believable. Then his stare.

Whenever he's talking his stare never breaks. Sure amount of time of knowing this man and there are major flaws with a few minor green flags.

However this is different.

"It's just that today was the first time in years something like that happened. Not that I'm trying to justify my actions and I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable in my place of work. If there is anything I can do for you you let me know."

Again, his voice. It was a surprise but it wasn't meet. And it's obivious that Anna didn't like me.

"For starters, this is a place of work. If you are sleeping with anyone that works for you I'm sure you can go home and do that, respectfully. And I saw your note on my desk notifying me that you wanted to see me. If it was for that-

He quickly cuts in. "No, not at all. I wanted to talk about last night."


"I noticed that you were uncomfortable. I will make it up to you for both incidences."

Well at least he's aware.

I exhaled. "I apreciate the apology and the gesture. So far, as your asisstant, I've seen a lot of questionable behavior. What I do want from you however, is to know exactly who I'm working for."

He exhaled, his chair twisting.


"I want to know if my boss is a racist."

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