-𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎-

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I didn't realize where we were going or where we were until the car came to a stop

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I didn't realize where we were going or where we were until the car came to a stop. I looked at the building, and then looked at him. Alex put the car in park and looked at me.

"You coming?"


He checked the time on his watch and heaved a sigh.

"Wow, well what do you know it's lunchtime."

"What are you doing?"

His brows arched. "What do you mean."

"Who said I was hungry?"

"Does it matter if you are?"

"I want to go home. Just give me my money and take me home." I don't want to be around anyone right now.

He shift his body towards me and I could smell his cologne. He propped his right arm on the wheel and it's only then I realized his knucles. It's red, like he punched someone.

He then smiles. "After we eat." He got out of the car and closed the door. I watch as he leant against the car door, probably waiting for me.

He's acting nice again. Why?

I sat there for a moment before getting out. He turn to look at me, again sending me a coquettish smile. Annoyed I went around the car and towards the building.

BB's, the same place I saw him laughing and smiling for the first time with Sammy Nun, who in which I still need to talk to about my new lady friend.

The both of us went into BB's and got a seat closest to the window. I wasn't feeling any of this and to be honest I don't know I'm still here. I could just walk.

"Howdy, the name's Susane, how can I get ya?" The redhead beams. She's adorable. Green eyes, freckles, braces, long curly red hair.

She reminded me of Amy if I'm being honest. Same freckles and cheery smile.

"Number four and a chocolate milkshake."

She looked at me and I smile faintly. I notice her happy go-get-'em smile dropped slightly. Probably because of my face.

I swear on my own grave Miami you better hope we don't buck heads again. Have me out here looking like I was in some sort of an abusive relationship.

"Number five, no pickles please and a vanilla shake is fine."

She gazed at Alex and then back at me. I smile. Why not make myself feel a bit better?

"We're back into the honeymoon stage. I'll be fine. If I am on the news tomorrow though," I leant forward and whispered. "It was him."

She turned on her heel and skipped off. Yep. I feel better. So much so that I smiled.

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