-𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝙰 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕-

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Who would have thought that my night would end with me shooting someone and having to apply pressure to Alex's wound for an hour until an abulance could get us

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Who would have thought that my night would end with me shooting someone and having to apply pressure to Alex's wound for an hour until an abulance could get us.

I'm fine but I'm worried about Alex. I sighed, strolling through my phone to distract myself in my room.

Yes, we're at the hospital. Mitch is here too, but thankfully and sadly he's not dead.

Thankfully because I didn't kill anyone and sadly because he's still alive. Suddenly I got a call from Jack.

I just know he saw the news about what happened.

I answer. "Hello?"

"Which room are you in?" He frantically asks. "We came here as soon as we heard."


"Martha, Amy and I. Which room?" He asks again.

"Oh, seventeen, right next to Alex." I explain.

"We'll be right up. You want anything? A water, juice, yogurt? Anything?"

"No, I'm not hungry, but thanks."

"Is the baby okay?"

"She's fine."

"She?!" I heard all of them say. It brought a smile to my face and I even felt better hearing their shock and excitement.

"Yes, she."

"Boom we're here." I gaze over to the door and Jack is panting as well as Amy. Did they run here?.

Martha was the last one in and she was clutching her side and heaving for air.

"Next time...you tell me run...and I do...Imma slap the fuck out you."

Jack sent a sorry look and I laughed. They all looked at me and they got worried.

"Are you sure you're okay? Nothing severe happened right?" Amy asks.

"Except for the fact that I nearly killed someone and that Alex nearly died? No."

Jack shook his head. "This is so much going on. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left you there all by yourself." He explains in a frantic state.

"No, Jack, it's not your fault, I promise. You had something to take care of." My gaze drift to Amy who's at the foot of the bed.

When he looked her way the both of them locked eyes for a few seconds before she looked away quickly.

Silence followed after. I just wanted to be alone. The fact that I nearly got assaulted and had to defend myself by shooting someone was the most insane thing ever. Then Alex...God Alex.

"Madeline?" There was a tap on my shoulder and I gazed up at Jack.

"We almost died." I chocked out. Jack hugged me and I just sobbed.

"You're alright, you're both completely fine. The three of you." He sooths. I know what he meant by the three of us. Excluding Mitch.

I probably cried for about ten minutes before I caught myself.

"Madeline?" I shot my head up, looking behind Jack and towards the door. He's shirtless, and he's got his pants on, almost as if he was getting ready to leave.

The bandages wrapped around his shoulder and there's a bandaid over his nose. He looks pale and there are grey bags ubder his eyes.

"Alex." He made quick strides over to me and Jack moved out of the way. Alex hugged me and grunted lowly.

"Thank God you're okay." He says.

"I think I should be telling you that." He pulled away and kissed my cheek.

"How's the baby? Is she okay?"

I nod, wiping my tears with a low grin. He won that bet at least, it was a girl all along.

"Yeah, she's fine."

I watched as his eyes widened in excitement. "She. She? It's a girl?"

"Yeah, it's a girl." Alex kissed me and I kissed him back. I never want to be far away from him. And almost losing him made me realize that I am deeply in love with him. I don't just love him. No.

I am in love with him. Alex climbed on top of the bed and over me, the kiss getting deeper. It tasted like yogurt, the strawberry kind.

Alex pulled my sheet down and his hand slipped up my gown, touching my clit. I hitched in a breath and pulled away from the kiss.

The room is empty. At least they were considerate enough to give us privacy.

"Why aren't you wearing any panties?" He whispers into my ear as he kissed my neck momentarily.

"Because I had showered twenty minutes ago and...ah...I don't like the fabric."

He snickers. "Do you want to here or do you want to wait? I know you got traumatized after the whole thing with Mitch and I don't want my baby to be uncomfortable." He explains softly.

Alex brushed my cheek with his thumb and I closed my eyes.

"Can we cuddle for now? You almost died." I whisper. Alex kissed me again and I scoot over to let him lay down.

His arm wrap around my shoulder and he gave me a gentle peck on the nape of my neck.

"I love you." He expresses softly. "Forever I'll love you. I promise that something like this would never happen to you again." He explains quietly.

"We're fine, Alex, all of us." His hold got a but tighter and he nuzzled up to me.

"I spoke with Cooper, our lawyer, and she said she'll be here first thing in the morning. Those cops from last night will lose their jobs and even get time if it pans out. As for Mitch, if he's still alive by then, he'll be in prison for good. But don't be scared, darling, you were only protecting yourself. Okay?"

I nod. "Come on use your words."


"Don't be scared. I'm here."

I could hear him slowly start to drift off to sleep as I keot my tears at bay.

We laid there for ten minutes and he was knocked out three minutes in due to the breathing patterns I could feel on my neck.

I still can't fathom everything that happened. It was like something out of a movie or show or something.

But I am glad I have him and friends that care. I just don't want Jack to beat himself up about all of this being his fault. But he did get away from the Amy situation.

To tease him I'll use that as leverage to get him to talk about them. But that will have to come later, for now, I'll focus on Alex and I.

And our baby girl. Alexis. I smile upon remembering the name Jack had said. Alexis Morris.

Yeah, I like that name.


Fun Fact: Alexis' name I think was originally Maple...I think.

And yes I did a double upload. ENJOY

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