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It's been four months after the incident and things are great

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It's been four months after the incident and things are great. I thought that maybe the trial with Mitch would take a week but I was wrong. It was way longer than that.

It was four months. Mitch wasn't the only one on the stand. It was also the ten cops along with officer Jio. And now, we wait for the jury.

"I am ready to go home." I mutter to Cooper. I gazed back and Madeline gave me a smile and a wave. I return the gesture before fixing myself in my seat.

"Yeah well at least you told me what was going on. I only didn't tag along because you had the police with you."

"You mean the fake ones?"

She grins. "Well, yeah, the fake ones. However, despite everything they shall either be stripped of their badges and get thrown in or only be stripped of their badges and get a few years suspension. As for Mitch...straight in the hole." She explains.

"If they have the balls to let them back on the force I'll commit homicide."

"Mm, and then you yourself would go to jail."

"You're right, I'm too pretty to survive prison."

She snickered and cleared her throat when a lady with strawberry blonde hair stepped out. The lady went up to the judge, handing him the paper. His eyes scanned it behind his thin frame glasses and motioned to the court clerk.

The man walked up and retrieved the paper. It's time.

"We the jury have reached our verdict. On the account of Mitch Rein..."

My foot began to tap as I stared. Come on, no need for a dramatic pause at a time like this. I've got things to do and places to be.

"We find the defendant, on all counts of kidnapping, child endagerment, two counts of attempted murder, attemtped rape on two occasions, posession of illegal drugs and firearm, guilty."


Cooper hugged me and I returned it. I got up and reached over to the first row of people, kissing Madeline on the lips. Cooper tapped me and shook her head.

I took my seat and leant over to her. "Don't get cocky yet Morris, he still needs to be sentenced." She whispers.


I sighed heavily and waited for the judge to put a complete stamp on it.

The courtroom quieted down and I gazed over to Mitch's table. His attorney is whispering something to him, and to be frank he looks red in the face.

"I hereby sentence Mitch Rein...to life in Missisipie's state county maximum prison."

"Bullshit!" He bellows. "You told me I was looking at fifteen years!" He screams at his attorney's.

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