-𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚄𝚙-

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Goodness me my life has never been better

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Goodness me my life has never been better. After Sarah, and watching her ass get jail time, I've felt more like a free man. Divorce has never felt newer. I made my way across the floor and over to the elevator.

"Hi Mr.Morris." I turn my head to see a few of my workers and I sent them a small wave with a smile. The two blondes clung to each other and giggled their way out of the glass doors and I pressed the button.

I exhale a breath and pulled at my suit. The door dinged open and I stepped to the other side. Another reason for my happy go lucky attitude is because of Brittany.

After our hug and her shedded tears I had stayed for a little longer just catching up with her. I told her if she needed anything she knows who to call. Yesterday was a heartfelt day.

I stepped out on the third floor and cleared my throat. The girls are working and had stopped to gave me their full attention. Amy spun on her chair and looked at me.

"Good afternoon Mr.Morris." She beams, crossing her arms and her right leg over her left knee. She's intrigued.


"Afternoon sir." I turn to my right and I flashed the girl a quick smile. I can't do what I want just yet.

"Amy, Martha, my office please." Amy shot a gazr at Martha and the woman gave her a knowing look. Martha was the first to get up, Amy following after. The three of us got into the elevator momentarily and I explained nothing to them as I pressed the button to the last floor.

"Are we in trouble sir?" Amy asks. It made me laugh a bit.

"No Amy, you two are in the safe zone." The door opened and I stepped out. My eyes went over to Madeline's desk and my teeth pulled at my bottom lip.

I haven't heard from her in hours. Not only that she hasn't used it. What are you up to Madeline?

I turn the knob to my office and pushed it open. It's normal. I myself had to clean up, and it was before meeting with Brittany too. Cleaning up and thinking was what had me there in the first place.

I took a seat on my chair and cleared my throat. My ribs are killing me. I iced them and took a few painkillers but those pills are doing jack shit at the moment.

The both of them stood in front of my desk, waiting for me to finally say something.

"Ladies, welcome." Nothing. "I know the both of you have questions, especially you, Martha."

"If you're going to fire me then fine, fire me I don't care, but just know that the minute you place that check in my hand I'll drag you across this floor for firing my baby girl." I know she's reffering to Madeline.

I grinned a half smile. "She quit actually." I gazed at Amy and her smile is even wider. Her eyes are screaming with satisfaction though. She's enjoying this too much.

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