-𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙸𝚝-

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I woke up and stretched my arm, nothing

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I woke up and stretched my arm, nothing. I ease my eyes open and felt around for Madeline. When she was nowhere to be located I got up.

I exhaled through my nose and glanced around. I know we still have a week left here but this week has been the best. I'm just glad we got closer, very close.

I went to the bathroom and washed up. After brushing my teeth I washed my fave once more before taking a look in the mirror.

We should really go easy on sex. Simply breathing is starting to hurt. I left and noticed that she's nowhere inside.

I walked outside and heard laughing. "Oh my gosh no, well not yet anyways." She's in the pool with a bowl of cut fruits on the edge in front of her.

She snickered again and I stepped in front of her. Madeline ate a strawberry and gazed up at me. I took a seat on the edge, letting my foot touch the water.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I'll call you two back. Yeah." Madeline hung up and set her phone on the edge next to the plate.

"Because you needed it." I stole a cherry and ate.

"I wasn't the one in tears last night though." She rolled her eyes.

"Asshole." She mutters playfully. I just smiled. I gazed ahead and exhaled.

"What time is it?"

"Around one."

I gave her a look and she smiled. "W-why'd you let me sleep that long? How long have you been up for?"

"Mm, just two hours."

"That's long."

"Stop being clingy."

I scoff and joined her in the water, pulling her close to me.

"I think I'll pass." I state softly, giving her a kiss on the lips. Madeline just grinned and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Her tongue is sweet, almost making me hate the paste on mine. I got hard and wrapped her legs around me. She gasp and I slip my hand into her panty.

"Not in here." She said. I picked her up and spung her around, setting her onto the edge. She pulled away and got up. It's only then I realize her all red bathing suit.

I got out of the water and followed her over to the chair. I stripped out of my pants and sat down with her getting on top of me.

"You look so sexy right now." I trail my fingers up her spine as we dined with a kiss. I pulled the string, loosing her bra. It fell off perfectly and I pulled away from the kiss and sucked her nipples.

She moaned and rubbed my hair. I kissed her skin and ripped her panty off. She gasped and I pulled at it, tossing it. I grab her hips and pulled her into me.

My shaft slid against her slit and she inhaled sharply. Madeline kissed me and I slipped my tip inside.

She moans.

Madeline rocked her hips, wanting the control, and I give that to her. Her arms rest on my shoulders and she grabbed them.

"Yes." She moans, a slight smile reaching her features. I stare at her as she fucked me instead.

"Fast sweetheart, use my cock for your pleasure." She's close already. "Go on and use me."

"Stop...talking like that."

"Is my accent a problem?" Oh I can get lower. She clenched around me and whimpered a moan.

"Come on darling let me know." Lower.


Fuck him and his accent. I know he's doing it on purpose, from a high pitch british accent to a lower version. And it sounded sexy, so much so that it messed with my brain.

And I loved it.

"Darling, go on. Come on cum for me." I place my hand over his face and shoved his head back. I was going for his mouth but fuck I can't function on anything right now.

"Shut up Alex."

He flipped us on the chair and moved my hand, pinning them both above my head.

"I'll shut up. But let's see how much noise you can make." His tip pressed my g-spot and my eyes rolled at the back of my head, making me squirt a bit.

"Listen to you." I moan louder and I tried to pull my hands away. I could feel my clit get swollen with more cum and my God I can't breathe.

"Listen to that pussy of yours." Alex grunted and got further inside of me. "Oh fuck yeah, devour me darling."

"I-I'm cumming." The rapid spanks got quicker and my eyes got blurry on command as I came again. It was like I was pissing myself.

But Alex didn't stop of course. His cock thrusting in and out of me made a squelching sound. He was groaning in my ear and I know he wants to cum, I can feel it.

"Fuck you." I breathe out. Alex covered my mouth with one hand and held my neck with the other and pounded me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved his hand from my mouth, making it easier for me to breath.

Alex gave me two more shots before he came. He groaned and filled me up. He moved again, thrusting in and out ten more times. I came and kissed him.

Alex moaned into the kiss and his cock twitched. Alex pulled my bottom lip with his teeth. He pecked my neck and exhaled.

"I love you so much Madeline. It would always be this way I promise. Just marry me and I'll show you more." He begs quietly in my ear.


I swallowed hard and tears fell from my eyes. "Alex-

"Make us happy. It's not like you won't be happy Madeline."

"Stop talking." I whisper. It was supposed to be louder than that, but a ball formed at the back of my throat, making it hard for me to speak.

He rest his forehead against mine and grabbed my hand, placing it against his chest. His heart is beating fast and I noticed his breathing is heavy, and not because of the sex.

"Just...stop thinking about it."

"Alex we already spoke about this."

"Did we?"


"Madeline I just don't want to lose you. That's all."

"What? You won't, get off." I pushed him up and I got up to leave. Alex grabbed my hand and my heart nearly exploded. Sometimes easy questions are hard to answer.

Sometimes at least.

"Then prove it."

"I already am, Alex." I pulled my hand away and went inside. I closed the door and exhaled. I wiped my eyes and sniffled.

"Why'd you have to get all coy with me?"

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