-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚎-

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I met up with Amy and Martha around six and we went to the mall

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I met up with Amy and Martha around six and we went to the mall. I had driven there in one of the cars Alex had in his garage, which I happened to stumble on, and took the jeep instead of the Marcedes.

Martha and Amy had been asking questions but I just told them that I'm borrowing a friend's car. Am I going to use Alex card? Of course I am.

I didn't want to at first but changed my mind.

I am going to spend until I can't spend no more. Then I will show him how stupid he's being.

But first, we decided to get food since I was starving. Martha, Amy and I are sitting in the food court. We all decided to get Subway and boba.

"I still can't believe he gave you his card. And a black card? I know he's a millionare but for him to have a black card means he's a multi-millionare." Amy says.

"Look at him of course he's a multi-millionare. But I'm glad I met you." Martha explains. I smiled and drank the rest of my boba.

"We're all going shopping, you all could buy whatever it is that you want."

"How much do you plan on spending?" Amy asks.

"A million."

"That's it?" The both of them ask. I arched a brow.

"Is that not enough?"

"Not enough? Girl, that man gave you a black card to use and you decide that a million dollars is enough? If you really want to hurt his pockets, buy a yatch-

"Or five mansions." Amy cuts in with a nod, clearly satisfied with her answer.

"You could buy a business, or even land. Don't stop at a million because I'm sure he'll be like, "that's all?" Martha mocks.

I don't want to completely break him. I just want to spend enought that makes him think twice about just throwing money around. But...

"Okay, fine, two million and I'll buy you a car Martha, and make sure everything is paid for."

"This is going to be an amazing day."

And indeed it was. We went to multiple stores, the most expensive ones and spent until people began to have a problem with us. I felt eyes on us and some were judgemental since I know they wanted to know where a black girl like me would get a black card.

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