-𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙱𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚝-

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"So my boss could be racist

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"So my boss could be racist." Was the first thing that left my mouth the moment I sat at the dinner table.

"Woah, that's one way to start dinner." Mimi says.

"Why would you think that?" Jack asks.

"Okay, so first of all I bought him a donut and a coffee this morning and he basically threw it away," I explain quickly.

"And I know that's not a reason for someone to be racist but I'm getting there. Whenever he sees me he throws me this look of judgement, like he's mentally judging me. But that's not all.

"He told me not to let anyone in his meetings and his wife showed up-

"Wife?" Mimi asks. I put my finger up to say, "hold on I'm not done."

"She comes there all high and mighty and interrupts his meeting. I get in trouble of course but the guy he had a meeting with was Nadwar Hans, owner of ColorUsAll, and Hans told me that I should not be working for Alex Morris.

"So here I am thinking, "why not", right? And so I go back inside, head to the twelfth floor and do my research on T.A.C.S. I then found out that there was a fire, the same incident Jack was telling us about.

"And there was someone that died and that someone was a black girl by the name of Patricia Miles. So, lunch time comes around and I'm sitting with Amy and Martha, Martha is black and Amy is a nice white girl.

"Anyways, time goes on and Amy leaves and I ask Martha if Alex is somehow racist. Now, the reason I asked because Martha and I are literally the only two black people working for him.

"So she says and I quote, "If you ask me, which you did, I think so but he acts like he's not."

It got quiet and I grabbed a taco from the middle of the table. Taco's for dinner is something I have no problem with.

"Okay, so you think your boss, Alex, is racist because you're the only black girl working for him and the last person that died under his wing was black?" Jack asks, trying to get a grasp of what I had just said.

"I think he's racist because he gives off the vibe. All white girls working for him and Martha and I are the only black girls working for him."

"I don't even know what to say." Mimi shook her head and ate her food. I sigh.

"The girl that was working for him was black and they were calling him racist. I saw the fire and everyone inside. He could be I'm just saying, but I want to know for sure."

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