-𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞-

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Time has passed, too much time if I'm being honest

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Time has passed, too much time if I'm being honest. I'm just glad to be home. When I walked through the door there was a silence, an earie silence. The lights are off and I noticed that Madeline's car isn't outside.

I closed the door with a kick of my heel as I took my suit jacket off.

"Honey I'm home!" I tease. She may roll her eyes at my silly antics and cute names but I know she enjoys them. I got no answer and I thought all positive thoughts.

I know she wants to go out and have a spy night on Jack, so maybe this is a part of some sort of silly scare tactic of hers.

"If you plan on scarring me it won't work!" I went upstairs, unbuttoning my shirt. On my way up a ring csme through to my phone, and to be honest it scared me.

I took it from my back pocket, entering our room. "Where are you?" I ask upon answering her call. A smile was on my face, an energetic, playful smile. However, what I didn't know was that it was going to fade in an instant.

"Alex." She says, her voice shaky and dry. I heard a sniffle and like I said, my smile vanished.


"Alex buddy, we had a deal remember?" A highpitched voice said with a gut wrenching laugh at the end said. I knew exactly who it was.

Mitch Rein. But aside from him, my mind began racing. Why is he with Madeline and her phone?

"What the hell is happening?"

He laughed again. "Oh calm down Alex, just getting the payment through. I mean, well, I'm not exactly interested in the land anymore but I did want revenge after you promised me the girl."

"Oh I swear to God if you touch I'll fucking kill you Rein." I grit. A grin.

"I think it's a bit too late for that, Alexander."

He fucked up. On my momma I'll kill him.

"Alex...Alex I'm scared." Her whisper and sniffles made my heart sink. She's pregnant.

"Madeline, baby listen to me alright. You're going to be fine and the baby is going to be fine just tell me where you are and I'll be right there for you okay?" I quickly state. I rushed out of our room, not caring about buttons or a suit jacket.

My love is in danger and by the hands of Mitch Rein of all people. A bit of a fact on Mitch, he's a Don. A bit suicidal to punch a drug lord but going after Madeline instead of me is crazy.

But I thought Tiana took care of this bastard. My guess is that he used money to do so.

"I haven't fucked her yet. I mean I could. Her round ass and small pussy would be fun to stretch out. Along with my boys, we'll have to put another baby in her." Mitch grins.

Hearing him talk like that nearly made me puke. I made it back outside and I practically sprinted over to my car.

"Don't fucking touch her!"

"You scream at me again I'll make you listen. You're lucky I'm not out to kill you, but I'll have fun with this. And since she's pregnant as you say she is, I'll make sure to go easy on her. Now, if you want your whore back without being used by me and my four men, listen to what I want."

I was already in my car and driving. I didn't even get a location as to where she could be, all I could think about is her and how she's doing.

"No cops, only you. I want a new place to expand my business and a simple strio club won't do it. So hide in plain sight, I'll need T.A.C.S."

"Done. Now leave her."

"Listen to that chocolate, he didn't even hesitate. He must really love you. That or you have the best pussy known to man."

"Don't touch me!"

"Madeline! Mitch please leave her alone! Please."

"Hm? Are you begging me?" He sounded shocked.

I allowed my pride to slip away and I answered. "Yes. You can have T.A.C.S and everything with it. I'll drop all charges against you and even give you the amount of money of your choice. Just please...please don't hurt her or my child." I softly plead.

There was silence and my heart was on the brink of exploding in my chest due to the rapid beats. My brain as well.

So many thoughts were going at a certain speed that it gave me a migraine.

"Limphone Street, last corner on the right. There is a three story house. When you get here say your name and I'll let you in. If you have police behind you, I'll fuck her in front of you and then kill the both of you. If you try anything I will so the same thing. Don't test me Alexander, I'm being nice here."

"Okay...you're rules."

"I'll see you in forty minutes, but don't make me wait too long, her breast are making me hard." With a last manical grin he hung up.

"Fuck!" I shout.

I switched gears. The tires screached and burned as I made a tight U-turn to head down the right way in a speed that can probably put a bull to shame.

However, if Mitch thinks for a second that I'm not going to being my own army he's got another thing coming to him.

I called Tiana and impatiently waited for her to answer. "Come on Tiana." I took a left, again having the tires create a cloud of smoke behind. 

If he think's that I'm not going to bring an army to save my girls he's past type three diabetes.


Her groggy low tone made me know that she had been sleeping before I called. And why wouldn't she be? It's nearly one in the morning.

"Tiana I'm sorry for waking you up and I know you're a lawyer and not the police, whom I should be calling first instead of you, hold on."

I hung up and dialed 911. The dispatcher answered after the first ring and I went flying into detail.

"I would like to report a kidnapping." And a plan was on from there. I was about to know a whale out of the park.

"Sir please slow down. What's the address?" She asks.

"Limphone Street, last corner on the right, three story house."

I'm coming for you Madeline. I'm coming for the both of you.


Long update again😭😭I am sorry. With work I barely have time to update now, but don't worry, I will always come back to uodate whenever I can.

Wanted to drop a chapter since it's been so long.

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