-𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎-

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I fixed my tie and Sarah grinned

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I fixed my tie and Sarah grinned. I was sure I filed a restraining order. She dropped by this morning, hearing about Salor's new launch and she wants to be my plus one for the outting.

No thank you.

"Why are you here?" I ask, turning to her. She got up from her seat, shuffling over to me. She touched my tie, tightening it.

"If you want to strangle me then say so." I loosened my tie and she exhaled, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I love you too much to do that."

"Mhm." I move away from her and went over to my desk.

"Oh come on Alex, you know I go everywhere with you when it comes to these new openings and launches. Just because we're "divorced", doesn't mean it should stop."

"You're not coming Sarah."

She scoffs. "So what, you got somebody else to take?"

"I'm riding solo."

"Really? Playboy Alex Morris found decency?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone, calling Sammy Nun. It only took about three eings before she answered.

"Hey hey hey!" She beams.

"Ms.Nun, I'm on my way as we speak, hopefully you didn't start without me."

She laughs. "Nonesense, barely have people yet Mr.EarlyBird."

"I'll see you around then."

"Take your time, we have a lot of it to spare."

"Alright." I hung up and pocket my phone. I went around my desk and to my door. I opened it, motioning for her to leave but she took a seat instead.

I don't have time for this.

"Sarah, I have business to attend to."

Silence. I slammed the door shut and I noticed she flinched. I went over to her and got behind the chair she's sitting in.

"Get. Up." I say in her ear. She looked up at me with a proud smile. She touched my face and I just stared.

"I know you still love me, Alex. We may not be married anymore but let's not forget what the prenup says okay baby."

I grabbed her hand, removing it from my face and she frowned.

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