-𝙸 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞-

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I had been sitting in this dredful meeting for what feels like hours now

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I had been sitting in this dredful meeting for what feels like hours now. Nadwar has been going on about endless bullshit that I can give zero fucks about.

But thank the gods that he's finally reached his conclusion. A minute longer in this brain rotting meeting I'd bash my own head in.

"And so, this is why you should allow me to buy T.A.C.S."

I exhale, again, glad that it's over. Nadwar smiles, showing off his pearly whites.

"What do you say? A twenty million dollar deal to take T.A.C.S off of your shoulders?"

It got silent. Nardwar Hans, an African-American that owns two companies that does well for black businesses and a worldwide status, wants to buy my business.

If he thinks I'm stupid enough to just give up my business for pocket change he's got to be on drugs.

"Nadwar...why do you waste my time?"

His smile dropped and he took his seat. My eyes followed his every move.

"You tried to shut me down once and now you're here because you want to profit?" I scoff. "How pathetic."

"I'm doing you a favor. T.A.C.S, because of your reputation, is loosing. You're only selling for the whites anyways."

"And you're doing the same for blacks."

"Woah now, no need to get aggressive." He chuckles. "I'm just saying that when people hear the name Alex Morris and T.A.C.S in the same sentence, they'll scorn you. Heck, if I find out that the person I'm buying from is associated with a racist I'll walk off too."

He wants to provoke me.

"If I'm racist then why are you here?"

Again he laughs. "If you put T.A.C.S into my hands I will be able to bring your numbers right back to it's peak. Or...we could join heads."

"Joining heads with a racist?"

He grins. "Use is as a brand, show people that you're a changed man."

Before I can answer, however, I was interrupted. "Alex!"

I spun my chair fully around only to see someone that I had been avoiding all morning, Sarah, my ex-wife.

I specifically told her no interruptions.

Sarah walked up to me and before I knew it she was slapping me across the face.  The slap echoed and my cheek stung.

"How dare you!" She screams. I sooth my tingling face and glared at her. This woman is the embodiment of a rat. Squeak here, squeak there. In short, you always hear her before you see her.

"You dare sleep with me last night and allowed me to think that you had a change of heart, just so you can up and leave again?!"

I got up and she stepped back. My peripheral caught someone jogging towards the door.

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