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After last night of hearing their argument, the next morning was filled with tension

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After last night of hearing their argument, the next morning was filled with tension. Jack made waffles and wings. I could never understand how he finds the time to cook breakfast before he heads to work.

I cleared my throat and put my cup down.

"So, everything alright between the two of you?"

"Yup." She quickly answers.

Jack looked at her and Mimi ate more of her waffles. I purse my lips together and ate a wing. I gaze at Jack and he went back to eating in silence.

The silence is too loud for me though. "Umm...I'm off today, so Mimi you don't have to drop me."


Jack drank his water in silence. Then he cleared his throat. Jack leaned back and fished through his front pocket. He took his wallet and opened it.

Mimi gazed at him and I pinched back a smile. He knows her too damn well. Without saying anything he held out his card and stared at her.

"Take the day off and go shopping." Mimi reached for the card but he pulled his hand back. "Not so fast. You have to kiss me first." He states lowly.

Sometimes third wheeling...no third wheeling is ALWAYS the worst. My future Jack, where are you? Thou needs you right now.

Mimi huffed and crossed her arms. "Babe..." She gave me a look and I tilt my head to him. Jack leant in, kissing her cheek and neck.

"Kiss me."

And after a few more pecks and low whispers she smiled. Mimi looked at him and finally gave him a kiss on the lips. Jack kept his card far away from her so she wouldn't reach for it and she grinned.

"Ugh, I'm sorry." She finally admits. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he smirked.

"I would never cheat on you. Not that I would, spending money on two people would be hell."

She laughed and the both of them shared another kiss.

"Here." Jack gave her the card and she smiled, taking it from him.

"Thanks babe. I'm going to get changed, Maddy, you and I are going out."

She got up from her seat and squealed to their room. When she was gone I turn my attention to him.

"I heard you two last night, quite the show."

He grins. "She hits hard as fuck. I never knew she had so much power in her arm until last night."

"Yeah well Mimi is the girl you shouldn't get into a fight with."

"Mm, learned that much. But what about you, you fight?"

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