Chapter 15: Nicole

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Joey POV

Nicole was coming in today around 1! I was going to the airport to pick her up! I can't wait for her to finally meet Daniel! She'll definitely love him & he'll love her! But I haven't seen Nicole in forever! I'm soo happy I get to see her for a couple days! I left Daniel at my house just to chill out for a bit! I made it to the airport & saw Nicole just standing there! I pulled up to her & we both had such a big smile on our faces!

Nicole: Joey!! Ahh it's been so long! *hugging Joey*

Joey: Oh my gosh! I know it's been ages! How long are you going to be staying at my house? Daniel, David & I are going to Montana this sometime this week to shoot a music video fr three parts of my book!

Nicole: Oh no way! That's awesome! I'm so proud of you! But I am leaving on Thursday, so only staying for today, tomorrow & Thursday morning!

Joey: Ahh that's too bad! You could've come to Montana with us!

Nicole: Ya that would have been crazy!!

Daniel POV

I'm getting really nervous for meeting Joeys sister! Though if she's anything like Joey or his friends I'm going to absolutely love her to death! I wanted to make Joey happy & Nicole to feel wanted, so I cleaned the house up a bit! I even decided to bake some gluten-free vegan cookies! I bake when I'm nervous!! After that I went upstairs to take a shower, fix my hair up all nice & put on some shorts & a t-shirt. I got a text from Joey.

J: Hey Dan, we'll be there in about 10-15 mins! How've you been holding up?

D: I'm pretty good, little bit nervous but, I hope it'll be fine!

J: Trust me it will!!

Wow, okay. So Joey & Nicole will be here very soon! Am I forgetting to do anything? Nope don't think so! I went on the couch to watch some tv & I heard a car door shut just outside of the house, then I heard a car alarm, then the key into the door. When Joey walked in the door I turned the tv off & went straight to the door to introduce myself.

Daniel: Hey! I'm Daniel! *reaching for a handshake then being rejected with a hug*

Nicole: Ohh it's so nice to meet you Daniel! I've heard so much about you! Don't worry they're all good things! *everyone laughing*

Joey: Mmm what smells so good? Did you make something?

Daniel: Yes, I did actually! I made vegan gluten-free cookies just the way you like em'!

Joey: Mm you spoil me too much with your delicious food!

Nicole walked toward the kitchen, then Joey followed then I. I grabbed Joeys swinging arm towards me & held his face & started kissing him! Nicole never turned around or anything! Thank God because she'd think we always are horny for each other!! The cookies were at a perfect temperature to eat! Nicole & Joey both grabbed one & their faces light up! I was so pleased!

Nicole: Oh my gosh! Daniel! These are absolutely incredible! You're such a good baker!

Joey: Ya Dan, these are awesome! But Nicole, you should see him cook, he's a master in the kitchen!!

Nicole: I can tell!

Joey POV

Okay everything seems to be going great! I think Nicole & Daniel are really hitting it off! Thank God eh? These two are the most important people in my life & I don't want to lose either of them! Once we all chatted a bit, we all went swimming for basically the rest of the day! Daniel was ever so kind to barbecue some food up! He's awesome! Once we all got in & dried off we played some video games! It was actually really fun! And of course after that we went our separate ways & went to bed! Such a great day!


Sorta boring.. I know! But the music video chapters are coming up quick!! Don't wait out! Haha see what I did there? Ya... I'm cheesy! Anyways! Thanks for all the support from every single one of you! Remember to favourite, add, comment, share & follow!! Thanks guys!!:)

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