Chapter 100: Mr & Mr Graceffa-Preda

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Joey POV

As I exit the room I see a ways away a bunch of people. All standing and smiling. I was getting extremely nervous to be up there in front of everyone. All of my "grooms men" we're out except for my best man, Nicole. I walked up to her and blew out a big breath. She grabbed my hands.

Nicole: Ready? Getting more nervous now?

Joey: No!

I paused, made a scared face, and continued.

Joey: Yes! Of course I am. What if what if he changes his mind up there? What if someone he's never met before catches his eye and wants him instead of me. What if I can't say my vows? What's going to happen in ten years when we've grown apart and want to get a divorce! What if...

Nicole: Joey!! Stop! None of that will happen!! You and Daniel are the best couple I've ever known! Coming from the girl who's been with her boyfriend since high school! Daniel loves you so so much. He loves you more than anyone in the world. You love Daniel to the moon and back infinity amounts of time! You and Daniel are clearly meant for eachother, you need him and he needs you.

I teared up a little bit. I pulled Nicole in and gave her a huge hug.

Joey: I love you so much. Thank you for talking some actual sense into me.

Nicole: Never forget it! I'm going out now.

Joey: Have fun.

Nicole: It'll be fun going out there! Just remember, the love of your life is waiting for you at the end of the aisle.

Nicole's hand left mine and she left to go up where everyone was. I had my mom and Daniels mom with me to come down the aisle with me. They both looked so beautiful. I was lucky to have such gorgeous moms. I put my arm out for my mom and Daniels mom. They both put their arms around mine.

Joeys Mom: You have nothing to be worried about Joe.

Joey: Thanks mom.

We all walked together to go into the end of the aisle. There he was. Wow. I had a huge grin on my face.

Joey: Look how handsome your son is. Wow.

Daniels mom: You two are extremely lucky to have eachother.

Everyone stood up and we started walking down the aisle. Daniel had his hands crossed in front of his groin. He waved to me so that no one else could notice. I started to giggle a little bit. Once we made it into the light, I started to tear up. Seeing this man in front of me now. Crazy how life happens.

Daniel POV

I saw Joey come down the aisle with our moms. He caught my attention right away. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Once he came into broad daylight I covered my mouth and started to cry. Oh my god. This gorgeous man was about to become my husband for my whole life. As Joey approaches closer and closer my tears of happiness get bigger.

Joey POV

I can see Daniel crying and not able to stop smiling. Neither could I. As I made it up to the alter I kissed my mom and Daniels mom on the check. Daniel did the same. Daniel took my hand. And started to whisper.

Daniel: Hey.

Joey: Hah hey.

Shawn (officiant): May you please stand for our lovely pair, Joseph and Daniel. Thank you, you may be seated. I would just like to start by greatly thanking each and every one of you who made it here today. Travelling a day on a plane can be tough. And for those who had their first flight cancelled, we are thrilled you could make it. Today, we are witnessing one of the oddest love stories. How Joey and Daniel met would normally end up as just a one night stand. But their connection hit a spark in eachother. They both knew that the time they would spend together would mean the most to them. Though Joey and Daniel haven't known eachother for their whole life, they make the greatest pair. Joseph and Daniel would like to honour their parents. Joseph's parents have been loving to him from the start, through thick and thin. As Daniel first met Joeys parents, they had an instant connection with him. As if he was their own son. How he connected with Joseph's siblings, Jett and Nicole. Already part of the family. Daniels parents, have a far, but amazing relationship with their son Daniel. They loved Joey from the minute they saw him with Daniel. Daniels brothers who didn't want their younger brother to be with anyone else but Joseph. The two grooms thank you all for being there during the tough and happy times.
Joseph and Daniel, may you please face one another and join hands. Daniel, please say your vows.

Daniel: Joey, Joey, joey, joey. Before we met I was lost, I didn't know where my journey would take me. If it would lead me into bad times and sorrow or good times and love. It lead me to you. We've definitely had our ups and downs, and not regular couple problems. We have serious problems. But with love and togetherness we work through those problems. Pretty fast too! When I go away for a project or work I can't wait to get back to see your face. I promise to love you as much I do right now and I did when I knew I loved you. I promise not to freak out over everything you do that annoys me. *winking* And I promise you love you, even when I hate you. I love you more than anything.

Joey: Huhhhh. *breathing out* Okay. I don't think I can top that, but here goes. Daniel, Danny boy. How are ya? Doing good?

Daniel: Yeahh.

Joey: Good. I'm still a bit nervous. *whispering* When I saw you from the end of the aisle my heart literally skipped a beat. I couldn't see anyone else besides you. No offence guys! *talking to crowd* but from the night we met to today I have been astound by how much you make my stomach turn. I still get butterflies. When I saw you across the bar I knew I needed you in my life. I knew you were going to be the one for me. I wanted to be with you. I needed to be with you. I still remember the first words I said to you, "I'll have a couple shots of tequila and what ever this guy is having" *laughing* But I knew from that point we took a shot we would be perfect together. I've made so many screw ups in our relationship thus far. And I know I'll make some more on the way. Like you said, we've had many many ups and downs. We get through it fast, you forgive and forget so easy. I love that about you. Thank you for doing that. So, I promise to never leave your side through the thickest of thick and the thinnest of thin. I promise to take your side over anyone else's. I promise to start a family with you and be successful through the rough and scary times. I promise to love you forever and always. And I promise to be there when you're all old and wrinkly. I'll love you till the end of time.

Shawn: Will the ring bearer please bring up the rings. Joseph will you take Daniel Christopher Preda to be your husband to love and to hold for life everlasting?

Joey: Yes, of course. *putting the ring on*

Shawn: Daniel, will you take Joseph Michael Graceffa to be your husband to live and to hold for life ever lasting?

Daniel: 100% yes. *putting the ring on*

Shawn: I am very happy and glad to say that I now pronounce you Husband and Husband, you may now kiss.

The End


That concludes the first part of this story!' Woooo I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I love seeing your comments on every chapter!! Basketball is almost finished this season so the sequel will be up eventually!' The first chapter will be the wedding celebration! So that'll be a good one😏 finishing this story with 40k reads! That is absolutely crazy!!! I thank you all so much! I hope you all read the sequel too!!:D keep this in your library! I will update with an A/N on here, so you know where it is! :D I hope this was long enough for you guys :P

Thanks for your support! Means a lot! Any questions, comments or concerns please please please ask me!! Comment or message them. I will answer anything! Remember to comment, favourite & add!! Thanks a bunch!! =D

Joey Graceffa & Daniel Preda: A love story (Janiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now