Chapter 35: Reassure

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Joey POV

We have been doing absolutely nothing for the past few weeks. Was I getting bored of Daniel? No! Of course not how could I say that. Daniel went out for a bit so I called Cat over to just talk because I can tell her anything. When Cat got to my place we went out in the back and had a few drinks.

Cat: So what's on your mind? You seem nervous or like anxious.

Joey: Is it obvious?

Cat: To me it kinda is. But don't worry know one else can tell. You're always so happy even when you're not. I can just tell when you're acting happy and your normal self when you're not.

Joey: Okay perfect. As long as people don't think I'm down for some strange reason. I don't want any sympathy.

Cat: Ya, I completely understand, so what's up? Tell me everything.

Joey: Okay, so you've been in relationships for at least 6 months ya? Daniel and I's 6 month anniversary is coming up right.

Cat: Ya, in like a week right?

Joey: Exactly a week. Anyways when you were with anyone during this time did you ever get bored of them? Like you guys weren't doing anything. Just staying in and watching Netflix or cleaning, or in my case, swimming?

Cat: Ok, so you think you're getting bored of Daniel? So he never gives out any ideas for you guys to do?

Joey: None.

Cat: What about you? Do you reciprocate those same feeling?

Joey: Ya, I guess I do never suggest anything to do.

Cat: Trust me, you're not getting bored of Daniel, you're bored of doing nothing. You're always up and about doing things. Go out and do things. Invite some friends over, whatever you like to do. Same with him.

Joey: Are you positive? Like I still love Daniel with all my heart. I don't want to just leave him. I never want to be without him.

Cat: Just right there. You're reassuring yourself that you love Daniel. You're not getting bored with him. You're bird doing nothing. Do something.

Joey: Thank you so much Cat! This really helped me. You're such a good friend! *hugging Cat*

Cat and I went swimming for a bit then got back out and just air dryed. I heard the front door shut. I stayed in the back, letting Daniel find me and Cat pool side.

Daniel: Heyy guys! Cat! Girl I missed you! *hugging Cat*

Cat: Hey Daniel! It's been like a week! *laughing*

Daniel: That's way too long!! *laughing* Hey Joey, what've you guys been up to?

Joey: Oh nothing we were just talking. *putting his arms around Daniels waist bringing him closer* Cat and her boyfriend are going down to Santa Monica tomorrow. She invited us.

Daniel: Definitely! I haven't been there in ages! I would love to go. *kissing Joey* thanks for the invite Cat!!

Cat: Hey anytime, I'm here for the both of you always!!

Joey: Well what're you waiting for? Put on a bathing suit and get your ass in the pool!

Daniel: Ohh well okay then!

Joey: Good! *hitting Daniels bum as he walked away*

We swam and just relaxed all day. Cat didn't leave till later. Daniel made us some dinner. I'm so happy Cat reassured me of my feelings for Daniel. I don't want anything to tear us apart!


Sorry I didn't update yesterday!! :( I forget why I didn't haha! But thank you for waiting and thanks for supporting me! & oh my! 5k!! That's awesome! Thank you some much!! Any questions comments or concerns you can always comment or message me!! You'll always get an answer!!:) remember to comment, favourite & add!! Thanks a bunch=D

Joey Graceffa & Daniel Preda: A love story (Janiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now