Chapter 19: Always

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Daniel POV

Joey turned to me & started kissing me. I thought in my head. When I get a breath, this is the perfect moment, I can finally say it. Our foreheads pressed together and our noses were slightly touching. Then I said it in a soft voice.

Daniel: I love you.

Joey POV

Did I hear that correctly? Does Daniel love me? Oh thank God! I put a huge smile on my face and kissed him so passionately. Once I released the kiss, he was smiling back at me.

Joey: I love you too. It feels like we've been together for 10 years. I never want to change that.

Daniel kept smiling and didn't say anything after that. We went back to put our clothes on and head back to Hope's house, hoping David & Hope would want to go to dinner. Since the moment we left to the moment we got out of the car we were holding hands. Hope & David agreed for going out. After we are we all went back and went to sleep. I woke up last the next morning. We all ate breakfast at Hopes place. Hope brought us to her own little dock by a lake. We had such a great morning together. Daniel and I went off towards the water and saw some kayaks there. So we obviously had to go out on the water in them!

Joey: Here grab my hand! *Daniel takes Joeys hand and allows Joey to help him get in*

Daniel: Why thank you sir!

Joey: I'm always here for you.

Daniel POV

I was just about crying at this moment. I was so glad he said that! Made my day ten times better!

Joey: Woaah rocky! *smiling at Daniel*

Daniel: Wish I could've been some sort of assist for you.

Joey: You just have to be with me and you're my assist.

I smiled really big. My face was very hot. We kayaked for a bit, making it into the centre of the lake.

Joey: Hey, I'm going to vlog alright?

Daniel: Ya! No problem!

Joey: Ohhh look at that water! So magestic! So I'm just kayaking along in this lake. With this gorgeous view behind me, if you can see. But this week has been one of the best weeks! I can't wait for you guys to see my music video! I hope you guys love it as much as I do!

Joey finished vlogging, he put his camera back in his pocket & I accidentally splashed him with my paddle.

Joey: Hey! *lightly splashing Daniel back*

Daniel: *laughing* It was an accident!

We calmed down from that and our kayaks were slightly touching, our hands interlocked to each other's. We were both just laying in our kayaks looking up at the blue sky.

Joey: This week has been amazing.

Daniel: I know. An awesome music video down. And this complete serenity.

Joey: And us being together the whole time.

Daniel: It's wonderful isn't it.

We layed there for not too much longer and we headed back into the dock and land. I got out first so I could help Joey out of the kayak. Like the gentleman I am!

Daniel: Here. *reaching his hand out*

Joey: Thank ya! *grinning at Daniel*

Daniel: Always! *winking*

We walked back towards Hope's house to check up on David and Hope. David was sleeping on the couch. Heck I was jealous of him! Such a tiring couple days. Though it was all worth it! Joey and I went up to the room we were staying in.

Daniel: So how are we going to break the news to David that he's getting a new roommate? *laughing*

Joey: Huh. Haha. I think he'll be super happy you'll be living with us now! I mean you already basically live there! He'll love it!

Daniel: Let's hope so!

We didn't do anything too great for the rest of the day. We all just hung out at Hopes, not doing much from all of our tiredness! But hey, what a week it's been!


Gets a little dull at the end, but whatever :p thank you for ALL your support! It's awesome! Comment, add, favourite, follow, share! Thanks!! =D

Joey Graceffa & Daniel Preda: A love story (Janiel fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now