Chapter 62: Vidcon

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Joey POV

It's been about a week since we've gotten back from Greece. We have been cleaning and just relaxing this whole week. Today we were leaving for Anahiem for Vidcon! I was super excited for this year. Plus Daniel was coming to help me out which was an added bonus!! We were leaving vidcon earlier than most people, I had one signing and one on stage event. I was super excited to see so many psychopaths!! We were packing up fast and then Daniel made us some breakfast fast and then we left.

Joey: Let's go Danny boy!

Daniel: Don't ever call me that again! *cringing*

We left the house and we were having such a fun time in the car. Singing and dancing, having so much fun with eachother. Once we got to Anahiem we checked into the hotel and relaxed in the hotel for a bit and then went down to the convention to walk around until my stage event. We ran into so many people, we took so many pictures. By the time we got to the stage I was about to head on stage. My name was eventionally called.

Daniel: Okay good luck sweets. *kissing Joey*

Joey: Thanks love, I'll see you after.

*On stage*

Joey: Hello everyone! Wow there are so many of you this year! This is crazy!

We had a q&a from Twitter and the audience. There were a lot of questions about Daniel and Miranda. I answered everything anyone wanted to know. I loved being able to answer questions that are personal. When I left the stage Daniel greeted me.

Daniel: Wow you did so good! *rubbing his shoulders*

Joey: There were so many questions about you, like damn you should have just come on stage with me!

Daniel: They would have freaked!

Joey: Ugh I know. Here. *holding out his hand*

Daniel: Ohh this seems fun. *taking Joeys hand*

We walked out into the convention with our hands held together. I saw a few people's faces like freak out, it was hilarious. We met up with Cat, Dan & Phil. We all hung out for the rest of the day. We stayed in the lounge room for the most part. We went to a few parties and had a lot of fun, we saw so many friends there. It was good chat hung up with everyone. Right after a party we went straight up to our room and passed out right away.

Day 2

We both woke up early for my signing. Today was going to be like yesterday, meeting fans, hanging out with friends and partying. We got all dressed up and ready for the day. We ran into some fans on the way. We had to wait a bit in the back.

Joey: So are you excited to meet more fans with me?

Daniel: Well I'll be on the side, I'll just be your little helper. *putting his arm around Joey*

Joey: Like always! *winking and kissing Daniel*

Daniel: I like taking care of you love. I'm going to go out before you.

Joey: Have fun. *kissing Daniels cheek*

I heard a lot of screams when Daniel went out. Once it stopped I walked out and they were so loud! They're were a lot of awesome people I met. There were incredible drawings and paintings everyone gave me. I had a great day meeting everyone. After my signing Daniel and I went to our room and just relaxed and waited till the party.

Joey: How was your first vidcon?

Daniel: It was really fun. Though we didn't do a whole lot, I had a great time.

Joey: I'm glad you did!

We relaxed and some people came over to shoot a few videos too. The rest of the day was fun. We both got pretty hammered at one party. We went straight to our room and wen to bed fast. When we woke up the next morning we got all packed up and left to go back home. Another fun little road trip with Daniel!


Sorry I haven't been extremely active, I've been super busy, I know this chapter wasn't amazing! Thanks for your support! Means a lot! Any questions, comments or concerns please please please ask me!! Comment or message them. I will answer anything! Remember to comment, favourite & add!! Thanks a bunch!! =D

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