Chapter 50: Taking Care

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Joey POV

I woke up so rested the next morning. I had no hangover and I was ready to do anything today! Daniel was still sleeping by the time I was up. I went downstairs to make myself something to eat. After I finished eating I went to check on Daniel. He was sound asleep. I went to take a 20 minute shower. I towel dried my hair a bit and walked in the bedroom with a towel around my waste, picking out clothes for the day. I turned to look a Daniel and he was just waking up. I kneeled beside his side of the bed and started running my fingers through his hair.

Joey: Hey, good morning, you alright?

Daniel: Aww I don't think so, Ughhh! How're you?

Joey: I'm feeling great. Don't worry I'll take care of you all day. You take care of me, I want to return the favour.

Daniel: Thanks sweets. *kissing Joey*

Joey: Let me just put some shorts on and then I am all yours.

Daniel: Sounds good. *smiling innocently*

I quickly threw a pair of athletic shorts on.

Daniel: Nice butt!

I started laughing. I went over on my side of the bed and sat beside Daniel.

Joey: So what would you like me to do first for you?

Daniel: Help me downstairs? I don't want to be that person who lays in bed all day.

Joey: Okay then, let's go.

I helped Daniel get downstairs and onto the couch. I made him his favourite tea and some eggs on toast.

Joey: Okay, anything else before I go water and feed the plants?

Daniel: Green juice? Make yourself one too.

I made my famous green juice for the both of us. I finished mine fast and went out in the backyard to water and feed the plants. Wolf came along, so he wasn't bothering Daniel. I grabbed the hose and watered all the vegetables, fruits and flowers. I fed the flowers right after. I stayed outside for about an hour, just fixing up things that needed to be fixed. I heated the pool as well, in case Daniel wanted to just lay on a floaty and bask in the sun and heat. I went back inside with Wolf, Daniel put some Netflix on and was watching The Walking Dead.

Joey: Feeling any better?

Daniel: A lot better. But I'm still not at my normal state. Come join me. *reaching his hand out to Joeys*

I sat down beside Daniel and he cuddled into me. Wolf layed beside Daniel and put his head on his legs.

Daniel: I really appreciate this, a lot.

Joey: Anytime love. *kissing Daniels forehead*

We continued to watch The Walking Dead. David came into the living room.

David: Hey, I'm going out with Meghan. You guys want anything?

Joey: I'll have a taro boba!

Daniel: Vanilla shaved ice pleaseee!

David: Sounds good, see you later. Probably with Meghan.

David left and Daniel and I were left alone.

Joey: Hey want to lay in the pool? It's really warm out, no wind. You can lay on a floaty for the whole time.

Daniel: Ya sure. I need something refreshing. Just let me put on a bathing suit.

Joey: Okay! I'll be in the pool waiting!

I brought Wolf in the pool fast before Daniel came outside. I splashed around, Wolf and I played a little and then Daniel came outside. Wolf got out and went to lay on the patio. Daniel walked into the pool one step at a time. Once he was fully in he dunked his head under the water and was messing up his hair.

Daniel: Oh I really needed that.

Joey: Come join me.

Daniel layed with me on one of the floaties. I had my arm around him and his head was laying right on my shoulder. I put my head on his. Our legs were sort of intertwined. My hand that was on the other side of Daniel was interlocked with his fingers. We closed our eyes and just relaxed. I think we both fell asleep at one point. Until David came into the back.

David: Your delivery boy is here!

He scared both me and Daniel. Making us both jump a little.

Joey: Ugh you little trampazoid!

Meghan: That wasn't cool David. *laughing*

David: Well, at least I didn't splash you!

Daniel: Very true!

We got out of the pool and had our treats that David brought us. I could tell that Daniel was feeling better which was great. I went out to Urth Caffe to get us dinner. I came back home and gave everyone their food. We all sat on the couch and ate, watching The Walking Dead. Meghan left around midnight and David went up to his room around 12:30am. Daniel and I were still downstairs watching.

Daniel: Thank you for this day. I really needed it.

Joey: It was my pleasure. I kinda like taking care of you if all I have to do is cuddle and get food!

Daniel: Ya well, this was only a small hangover. I would be so much harder to handle if I was hurt or couldn't walk!

Joey: Well let's hope nothing bad happens to you anytime soon.

We stayed downstairs for another hour until we decided to go upstairs and finally go to sleep.


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