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Lisa suddenly lowered his head and bit her fair and soft earlobe. Jennie grimaced in pain and wanted to hurl vulgarities and curse Lisa’s family.

However, before Jennie could crazily ‘greet’ Lisa’s family in her heart, Lisa immediately got up and walked into the bathroom.

Jennie did not know what was wrong with Lisa, but he let her go. As she breathed a sigh of relief, exhaustion overcame her and she instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Late at night, Jennie’s face was pale. She was having nightmares and she broke out in cold sweat.

In her dream, the lights in the operating theater were blinding. Jennie wanted to raise her hand to block it, but she realized that her limbs were tied tightly to the operating table and she could not move.

Ji-hyang’s voice came from above, “Jennie, you have completed your mission. You can retire now.” The scalpel in her hand brushed past Jennie’s towering abdomen, a devilish smile appeared on her sweet face. “Look at you now. You’re so ugly.”

Every time she moved, the cold blade would cause goosebumps on Jennie’s stomach.

“...” Why? Jennie struggled desperately. She wanted to ask why; why did she have to be treated like this. However, her vocal cords were damaged. Other than looking at Ji-hyang with fear, she could do nothing else.

She wanted to gesture at Ji-hyang and ask her why she was tied up here and what she wanted to do to the child in her belly. Unfortunately, her hands were tied up and she could not even make a simple gesture.

“Don’t waste your time. I don’t have time to read your sign language here.”

Ji-hyang bent down and whispered in Jennie’s ear, “You know what? I hate watching you sign. A mute should be mute obediently. Why do you try to communicate with others?”

Thinking of the years she had bent over to get into Jennie’s good books, a malicious look flashed across Ji-hyang’s eyes. To gain Jennie’s trust, a normal person like her learned hand gestures from the sign language teacher and memorized those complicated hand gestures. It was annoying.

Finally... the plan that she had been planning for so many years was finally coming to fruition.

She handed the scalpel to the doctor who was waiting at the side, and the corner of her mouth curled up into a victorious smile.

“Don’t worry, you’ll die on the operating table because your body is weak and you’ll bleed out during childbirth.”

When Jennie heard this, hers face instantly turned pale, and she looked at Ji-hyang in disbelief.

Why? Why would Ji-hyang treat her like this? What did she do wrong?

“Congratulations, Miss, it’s a baby boy. You will certainly become Mrs. Manoban.”

Ji-hyang took a look and confirmed that it was a baby boy. She nodded in satisfaction.

“Jennie, rest in peace! Once I secure the position as Mrs. Manoban, I’ll take good care of your son.”

“No, it should be said that I’ll take good care of my son.”

“I’ve taken care of you because I was waiting for this moment. I’ll use your child and your name to marry Young Master Manoban.”

“Oh right, don’t worry about your dying mother. I’ll send her to you very quickly.”

Jennie’s eyes widened in anger as she raised her hand to grab Ji-hyang.

She could suffer, but she absolutely could not allow her to hurt her mother. Absolutely not!

Ji-hyang saw that Jennie still wanted to raise her hand to grab her, so she suddenly stabbed Jennie’s wrist with the scalpel.

“Ha, you still want to make a move on me when you’re like this?”

“Take a look at yourself, you homeless mongrel!”

Ji-hyang saw that Jennie was convulsing from the pain, but she was unable to make a sound. A cold, satisfied smile hung on her face.

She leaned close to Jennie’s ear and told her an even bigger secret.

“Little mute, let me tell you another secret...”

“Your mother was drugged to become like that. Your mother was fed medicine with her three meals a day, and in the end, your mother became like this. All of this was instructed by your father.”

“And you were also poisoned to become mute!”

Jennie’s eyes were filled with shock. She never thought that her father would harm her mother. Why?

“Do you want to know why?”

“That’s because Young Master Manoban's chromosome is abnormal. There are very few people in this world who can bear his child.”

“The Manoban family even said that whoever can bear his child will be the young madam of the Manoban family.”

“And you, you idiot, were able to bear his child by coincidence. That’s why Father poisoned you and gave you to Young Master Manoban.”

Ji-hyang paused. When she saw Jennie’s shocked expression, she was very satisfied and continued, “You idiot who only knows about poison, I don’t think you know who Young Master Manoban is.”

“The Manoban family has riches to rival countries and has immense power. Young Master Manoban is the head of the Manoban family — Lisa.”

When Jennie heard this, regret and anger overewhelmed her, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

She wished she could just strangle this vicious woman to death to avenge herself and her mother.

“Ji-hyang, if there’s an afterlife, I’ll make sure you both suffer a fate worse than death, blood for blood.”

Ji-hyang held the child and laughed loudly. Her voice was extremely arrogant. Jennie, who was on the operating table, could only watch her back as she left.. She closed her eyes unwillingly.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now