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Mr. Wang held the book in his hand and looked helplessly at Jennie and Selugi. He warned them, “Then quieten down and stop talking.”

Selugi held back his anger. He made it with difficulty to the end of class, and he immediately roared.

“You damn trash, get the hell away from me right now. Don’t sit near me.”

Jennie took out her phone and calmly took out her phone to type.

“Little nephew, why don’t you get lost first and show me how it’s done?”

Selugi was so angry that he got up and wanted to turn around and leave. He should not have come to school today. He was almost angered to death by a psychopath.

If he had not made an appointment with the arrogant and ruthless school bully of the neighboring academy to hold a motorcycle race today, he would have come today. The loser would be at the other party’s beck and call.

Now, in order not to be angered by this trash, Jennie, and affect himself, he decided to take a few days off and notify the other party to postpone the race for a few days.

Jennie anxiously grabbed onto Selugi and typed quickly on her phone in a serious manner.

“Selugi, how about I read your fortune and you give me some commission?”

Thinking of the scene that she had seen in her mind before, she thought of it as a warning to him.

Selugi was speechless. Was this piece of trash so poor that she was going to start scamming people?

Seeing that Selugi did not say anything, Jennie took it as a yes and quickly typed on her phone.

“Young man, I see that your temple is dark and there is a dark cloud above your head. This is bad luck. I’m afraid there will be a bloody disaster in the near future.”

Selugi saw that Jennie acted seriously and could not help but mock, “Is that so? Then what should I do?”

Jennie stretched out her small hand, her palm facing upwards, directly reaching out in front of Selugi. Her other hand also quickly typed on her phone.

“It’s not like there’s no other way. If you give me 20,000 yuan, aunt will personally escort you to resolve this crisis.”

She originally thought that Selugi could not come back to school after going to the hospital today, so he would avoid it. She did not expect him to come back.

However, when the two of them accidentally touched each other just now, she realized that Selugi’s matter had actually been delayed for many days.

Selugi rejected expressionlessly, “I don’t have any money.”

Selugi had bodyguards by his side, but they were all hidden in the dark. How could there be a bloody disaster? It was even more impossible for him to believe the words of a lunatic like her.

Jennie cursed in her heart. You f*cking b*stard, if you did not have money, you should have said so earlier. You wasted my time.

Glaring at Selugi angrily, Jennie sat back down. Ignoring Selugi, she took out her phone to contact Solar.

“Solar, how is it? Do you have orders?”

Solar saw Jennie’s message and was very helpless. She replied.

“Boss, I just asked last night. How could it be so fast? And according to your request, it is extremely rare.”

It could not be against morality or nature. Just these two conditions were enough to kill most of the orders. Which one of them did not find the hacker to steal some business secrets or something else?

“Alright, I’ll wait then.”

Jennie replied and quickly went offline. She picked up her phone and walked to the infirmary.

She had said that she was going to see Nayeon after class. She had almost forgotten about it just now.

Jennie came to the infirmary and was about to go in to see Nayeon when Grandpa Mou told her, “There’s no need to look. That girl has already left.”

Jennie took out her phone in confusion and typed.

“Left? Who took her away? Can she walk back on her own now?”

Grandpa Mou thought for a moment and said, “I think she was taken away by fourth-year mysterious campus handsome boy.”

Jennie was surprised. Her pretty brows twisted tightly.

Jeongyeon? The guy who was silver-gray-haired, silent all year round, did not communicate with others, and disappeared after class?

How did he know Nayeon?

After school, Solar sent a message to Jennie, making her feel better.

“Boss, I just found a mission that fits your requirements. I’ve accepted it. It’s really too difficult.”

Jennie was in a good mood when she saw the message. It did not matter if it was difficult or not, as long as it was there, she would be fine. She did not want to be penniless now and still have to go back to see the face of that devil, Lisa.

“What mission?”

Solar replied happily.

“This mission is actually not difficult. It’s just that someone wants to take you as a teacher and learn technology from you to become a skilled hacker.”

Jennie frowned. Could it be that devil, Lisa?

Jennie was puzzled and immediately typed a reply to Solar.

“Want to learn hacker technology from me? Then, do you know who placed the order?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now