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Jennie was speechless when she heard Ouyang Rui's words. How could there be such a retard in this world?

Jennie sneered and typed quickly on her phone.

"You are a really good actor. You still want to slander me at this time? Ji-hyang, you also deserve an Oscar."

"Well, at this time, only a retard like Ouyang Rui will believe you!"

Ji-hyang seized the opportunity, pretended to be fragile and said tearfully,"Jennie, did you frame me because Ouyang Rui likes me but not you?"

"You can't blame me for this. You can't force love. Besides, I only treat Ouyang Rui as an older brother. We are not in love."

"Don't be angry. Don't let the principal expel me, okay?"

When the teachers and students saw this, their immediate thought was devious sibling rivalry.

Many boys were also enamored by Ji-hyang's behavior and immediately defended her.

"What Ji-hyang said is not unreasonable. Who knows, maybe it really was Jennie who framed Ji-hyang?"

Jennie just typed on her phone indifferently. Text-to-voice said,"Ji-hyang, stop making me sick. Whether or not you are expelled is none of my business. It is the principal's business."

Hearing Jennie, several boys spoke up more for Ji-hyang.

"This Jennie is so cruel. Ji-hyang is already miserable. Does she need to make it worse?"

"Yeah. Ji-hyang has already apologized. Jennie just has to forgive her."

"Moreover, they are relatives. Even if not biologically related, they are still of the same blood!"

"How will they face each other in future with this hanging over their heads?"

Nearby, Lisa stood, his face frightening dark. His cold aura emanated, freezing the air around him.

He eyed the principal coldly and said gravely,"The students at this school can't even tell right from wrong? It looks like your school needs a better moral education!"

The principal nodded. ven if he shared the same sentiments as everyone else, he dared not say anything.

Lisa glanced coldly at the crowd and ordered the principal,"Since you agreed, let's start today. Let them stand here and reflect until they get it."

Hearing this, the principal replied carefully,"Well, although it's not yet summer, the weather has turned hot. It's a little inappropriate to stand here like this..."

"These students' parents may also complain."

Lisa eyed the principal coldly. How dare the principal threaten him by mentioning the parents of these students? Why would he be so easily threatened?

"If that's the case, just stand here until school finishes today."

The principal was terrified when he sensed Chairman Manoban's refusal to back down. He could only wipe off his cold sweat and say meekly,"I understand, Chairman Manoban."

The biggest shareholder of this school was Lisa. Put simply, this school belonged to Lisa. He could do whatever he wanted.

Lisa remained displeased and demanded coldly,"Ji-hyang is just a bad fish. We can't let one bad fish spoil the whole pond. Expel her as soon as possible so as not to tarnish the school's reputation."

The principal dared not object, or the person being expelled would be him.

"Understood, Chairman Manoban."

Lisa finally nodded in satisfaction. He looked at Jennie and the cold air around him started to dissipate.

This kid had already suffered so much today, and she's still disparaged by her irrational classmates. She must be unhappy.

"Alright, don't listen to those idiots."Lisa beckoned Jennie and calmly told her.

"I'll take you out for some delicious food. Let's get your favorites."

This kid loved good food. Perhaps having more good food would improve her mood.

When Jennie heard these words, her heart felt warm and she was touched..



THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now