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Jennie, who was dodging left and right, rushed in front of Kim Seon-ho.

Her face was gloomy and her eyes were full of disappointment. She glared at Kim Seon-ho fiercely and quickly typed on the phone.

“Kim Seon-ho, I won’t go to the countryside. I have to make my own decision in my life.”

“If you insist on sending me to that countryside, then I don’t have any other choice. I can only sever my father-daughter relationship with you. From now on, I have nothing to do with you.”

Kim Seon-ho didn’t care at all when he heard these words. But Jennie’s resistance made him feel a little humiliated.

“Anyway, you have to go to the country. I don’t care if you’re my daughter. I didn’t want to spend money on a loser like you in the first place. As long as I still have a niece like Ji-hyang, why would I care about you? Who Do you think you are?”

Ji-hyang’s mother, Zhang Ningning, who had been waiting outside, followed security guards in.

Hearing the words of Kim Seon-ho, she immediately walked to his side and patted Kim Seon-ho’s back affectionately as she said, “You are right. As long as Ji-hyang is here, it doesn’t matter if you lose this daughter who can’t make a name for herself.”

When Jennie saw this scene, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. She swept her gaze across the surrounding onlookers and immediately edited the text.

“You all see how much my father values that so-called niece who is living in my house. She could have stayed with her mother. But my father loved them both so much that he brought them home. Those who don’t know may think they are a family and I am the outsider!”

When everyone heard this, new guesses appeared in their minds.

“So this man is having an affair with his niece’s mother? Does Jennie have a stepmother? D*mn, this family is so messy. I didn’t expect the school belle’s family to be so crazy.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. My mother is my uncle’s sister-in-law. My sister is just sick. Don’t believe her nonsense.”

Ji-hyang explained to everyone hurriedly. Then, she turned around and coldly looked at the security guards as she ordered angrily.

“Why are you all standing here like idiots? Are You watching a show? Hurry up and catch Jennie and send her to the mental hospital!”

The security guards who didn’t dare to be ruthless in the beginning, no longer held back after receiving this order. They directly rushed towards Jennie.

“Miss, don’t be like this. Otherwise, we won’t hold back. Quickly go to the hospital.”

Jennie looked at these security guards and tried her best to hold back the thought of fighting back. She wanted to shoot them with silver needles, especially Kim Seon-ho and Ji-hyang, but she absolutely could not expose her ability now.

Jennie could only pick up the phone and type quickly.

“First, I didn’t ask Ji-hyang to take the blame for me. Second, I’m not mentally ill. Third, I have evidence on my phone. I can show it to you now.”

However, after the voice was played, her phone was snatched by a security guard and smashed on the ground.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Miss, I didn’t do it on purpose. Now that your phone is broken, you can’t show us anything, right? Just go with us or you will get hurt.”

Ji-hyang was also afraid that her students would believe Jennie, so she shouted.

“Uncle, you see, her illness is getting serious now. She’s spouting nonsense. It’s better to send sister to a mental hospital quickly!”

“That’s right. I will take your sister to see a doctor now. This isn’t a small matter.”

Kim Seon-ho agreed with Ji-hyang’s words very much. He strode over and ordered the security guards coldly.

“Hey, you! What are you all doing? Hurry up and catch her. We need to take her to the doctor.”

Jennie looked at the broken phone on the ground and could only clench her fists in anger. She looked coldly at Ji-hyang and Kim Seon-ho. The only thing she could do was wait.

When she was slapped earlier, she had secretly sent a distress message to Devil Manoban. She didn’t know if he could come.

Soon, Jennie, who had lost her ability to resist, was caught by the security guards. Jennie turned to look at the principal. The principal had also seen the evidence, so why didn’t he help her?

The principal turned guiltily, pretending not to see Jennie’s gaze.

Even though Jennie had already told him what was going on and showed him the evidence, after hearing Kim Seon-ho’s words, he realized that Jennie’s status in her family was very low.

Although Kim Seon-ho couldn’t be compared to the four aristocratic families, he was still considered a wealthy family and had donated money to the school.

To offend Kim Seon-ho for the sake of a loser like Jennie was not a good choice for the principal, so he pretended that he didn’t know anything. Ji-hyang was still a straight-a student. Perhaps she could have a better future and add glory to this noble school..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now