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As Ouyang Rui roared at Jennie, Ji-hyang was very satisfied. Her lips curled up to a smile.

Soon, the rumor about Jennie spread again. It was all about her plastic surgery, liposuction, and her failure to get Ouyang Rui’s love.

Ji-hyang was sure this time that no one would see Jennie as the new campus belle any longer.

Glancing at Ouyang Rui, who was still furious, Jennie raised her leg and kicked his abdomen with all her strength.

This guy seemed to be d*mn crazy. He actually believed the nonsense that Ji-hyang talked about!

Ouyang Rui was caught off guard by the kick. He took a few steps back and then looked at Jennie in disbelief. How did she dare to kick him?

“Jennie, you d*mn b*tch! You dare to F*cking kick me?”

Glancing at Ouyang Rui coldly, Jennie took out her phone and quickly edited the text.

“Ouyang Rui, you idiot!”

“Let’s break off the engagement now. I would rather like a toad than you! You’re such a stupid blind ass-kisser!”

There was no doubt that Ji-hyang had called Ouyang Rui here to embarrass her. Jennie knew it.

Hearing Jennie’s taunts, Ouyang Rui was stunned on the spot. He looked at Jennie in disbelief and forgot to fight back.

She had always been obedient. Why did she suddenly dare to talk to him like this? Was it an illusion?

As Ji-hyang heard the words played on Jennie’s phone, her satisfied smile suddenly froze on her face.

What was wrong with Jennie? Didn’t she always love Ouyang Rui, hoping to marry him?

“Jennie, what are you doing? You know he is … ” Ji-hyang deliberately paused for a moment to remind Jennie that Ouyang Rui was her savior. Then, she said again gently, “You shouldn’t treat him like this. Instead, you should listen to him.”

There was a hint of a mischievous smile on Jennie’s face as she quickly typed on her phone.

“Ji-hyang, I’m doing this for your own good and to help the two of you. You’ve been dating Ouyang Rui for a long time, haven’t you?

“I was sad at first when I found out that you were cheating on me. But now I decide to let it go and fulfill your wish.”

Hearing what Jennie said through her phone, the crowd immediately darted their surprised gaze at Ji-hyang and Ouyang Rui.

“So that’s what happened! No Wonder Ouyang Rui was so adamant about marrying Ji-hyang. It turns out that they’ve been having an affair for a long time.”

“Exactly! As Jennie’s fiance, Ouyang Rui has been cheating on her!”

“So, our campus belle Ji-hyang is basically a mistress who has stolen the fiance from others?”

Great! Jennie fought back. Since Ji-hyang dared to use Ouyang Rui to ruin her reputation, how could she grin and bear it?

Hearing the comments from the people around, Ji-hyang was so angry that her face instantly turned anxious. She was about to say something to explain when Jennie stepped forward and covered her mouth.

Why couldn’t Jennie pretend to care about her sister since Ji-hyang did so? It was just a matter of acting. With the pain of being betrayed on her beautiful face, Jennie looked at Ji-hyang, tears gleaming in her charming eyes. She held her phone and typed fast with the other hand.

“Ji-hyang, dear! You don’t have to say anything. You’re my sister. Don’t feel guilty anymore.”

“I know I was too stubborn in the past, but now I’ve changed. I will let you two be together.”

“It needs mutual love in a romantic relationship. I know it now, and I won’t force anyone in the future.”

“Now I wish you and Ouyang Rui forever happiness and a healthy baby.”

After that, Jennie turned around and ran back to her classroom, leaving no chance for Ji-hyang to speak. She vaguely heard the crowd behind discussing excitedly.

“Oh my God, Jennie said she wished them to have a baby. Could it be that she ran into them having sex?”

“Having sex? Come on! To be precise, it should be called having an affair!”

“So it is. And that’s why Jennie was so disappointed and then came to her senses.”

“Moreover, Ji-hyang is her sister. That’s why Jennie finally let it go under such betrayal.”

“No, it doesn’t make sense! No matter what, Ji-hyang is an immoral mistress.”

Ji-hyang’s face turned ashen as she heard those discussions. Not caring about her elegance, she shouted angrily, “Can you guys stop thinking about that b*tch’s nonsense? I’m not a f*cking mistress!”

“Ouyang Rui, what are you thinking? Say something! Explain to everyone about what’s going on!”

Ouyang Rui was usually confident, but he found it hard to react to what happened. His good-looking fiancee Jennie suddenly taunted him and called off the engagement.

He just turned around with a dull face, walking towards his classroom.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Ji-hyang with confused gazes..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now