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Lisa looked at Jennie, who was in a daze. He had no idea why Jennie was standing there. She said she needed to go to the toilet urgently, but she was daydreaming instead. He asked coldly.

"Didn't you say you need to go to the toilet?"

Jennie looked at her arms and then at her pants. Her face flushed red. She had forgotten that her arms were in casts, and she could not take off her pants at all.

Lisa saw Jennie's expression and instantly understood why she was in a daze.

"Let me help you then!"

Jennie panicked. She took a step back and shook her head as she quickly spoke with her lips.

"No, you're a man. How can you help a girl like me take off my pants?"

'Lisa looked displeased. He looked at Jennie and said calmly.

"We're a legally married couple. Moreover, we have even slept with each other. What's wrong with me taking off your pants?"

Jennie was speechless because she did not do it consciously with him the last time. It was purely an accident! Someone set them up.

Lisa took advantage of this moment to step forward to help Jennie take off her pants. Jennie quickly stepped back.

"Don't be afraid."

'Lisa grabbed Jennie. Jennie knew that she had no other choice, so she closed her eyes nervously.

"It's done. Call me when you are done."

Lisa's ears were a little red, but he still pretended as if nothing had happened. Then, he walked out.

Twenty minutes passed, yet Jennie had not called him. He was worried. So, he knocked on the door and asked.

"Are you done?"

Jennie did not want to call Lisa, but she had no other way to pull up her pants. She could only kick the bathroom door to call him. It was so awkward.

'Lisa walked in. He looked a little shy, but he tried to calm himself and put the pants on for Jennie.

Lisa wondered if Jennie peed or pooped. She had been in the toilet for a long time. He pondered whether or not to help Jennie wash her private parts.

'When that thought struck him, Lisa realized he could not ask Jennie whether she needed a wash. He stopped putting on Jennie's pants.

His ears turned abnormally red. Lisa, who had mysophobia, squatted in front of Jennie, thinking about what to do about it.

After all, Jennie was his woman. It was impossible for others to help, regardless of gender.

However, if Lisa had to do it himself, he did not know what to do. Most importantly, he did not know where to start.

Moreover, there was no other woman here. The security personnel outside were all men!

There was no other person who could clean Jennie up. He would not let others touch his wife. That was simply insane.

Even though he thought so, he had no idea how to do it.

Ever since he was young, Lisa lived like a prince. He had never done things like that.

When Jennie noticed Lisa was not doing anything. She frowned and kicked him.

'Lisa lifted his head and looked at Jennie's flushed face. She looked like a ripe tomato.

Perhaps Jennie had guessed why Lisa had stopped when Lisa lifted his head.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind. She blushed and said to Lisa quickly with her lips.

"What the f*ck are you thinking? A fairy like me doesn't need to shit."

"Stop thinking. Hurry up and put on this fairy's pants. Don't take advantage of me here."

'As soon as Jennie finished speaking, she regretted it.

She regretted calling herself a fairy. It was an embarrassing moment.

Jennie could not look at Lisa anymore and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, Lisa carried Jennie and gently put her in the car. Jennie's eyes were closed the whole time.

After all, it was too embarrassing just now. Jennie could not look at Lisa.

'Lisa smirked when he saw Jennie blushing. It amused him that Jennie was embarrassed.

He did understand Jennie needed to go to the toilet urgently.

However, he wondered how Jennie came up with that fairy statement? Fairy was supposed to g to the toilet like humans.

Felix looked at Lisa in shock.

Their chairman, who had an obsession with cleanliness, helped madam go to the toilet, yet he could still smile so happily. It was a rare scene...


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