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Jennie typed on her phone in a shifty manner.

“Oh right, didn’t we go to the bar together last night?”

“Why did you disappear after I got drunk? Why was I in a strange place when I woke up?”

Ji-hyang quickly sized up Jennie when she heard this. She noticed the marks on Jennie’s neck and her flustered look and she smiled in satisfaction.

“Jennie, I’ll tell you what’s going on later.”

It seemed like Jennie had been successfully taken by Young Master Manoban. At least, the matter between herself and Lin Qiang was not Jennie’s doing.

Kim Seon-ho also saw the marks on Jennie’s neck, so he was relieved. After all, this plan was designed by him and Ji-hyang together.

However, he still had to continue acting. He cursed at Jennie angrily, “You piece of trash. You didn’t even know that someone took you away after you got drunk. How can you ask others what’s going on?”

Jennie glanced at Kim Seon-ho coldly and pretended to be innocent as she used her phone to ask a question.

“Sister, did you come straight back after drinking yesterday?”

When Kim Seon-ho heard this, he was instantly furious. “You piece of trash, mind your own business. There’s no need to poke your nose into others’ matters.”

He turned his head, but with a gentle expression, he said to Ji-hyang with concern, “Ji-hyang, the matter is getting a little heated now.”

“In order not to affect your future, I will send you to a place where you can hide from the storm. I will bring you back after it has passed.”

“Thank you, Uncle. I have troubled you with such a small matter.”

Ji-hyang fell into Kim Seon-ho’s arms weakly. Her eyes were filled with gratitude. She raised her head and said, “I also have to thank you for believing in me. I was framed for this matter.”

Kim Seon-ho was like her father. He gently comforted Ji-hyang and said firmly, “Ji-hyang, you’ve been a good child since you were young. You would never do such a thing.”

Looking at Ji-hyang’s swollen face, Kim Seon-ho was full of pity. He regretted that he did not see properly at that time. If he had looked a little closer, he would never have done such a thing.

Kim Seon-ho said guiltily, “Ji-hyang, don’t worry. I will investigate and find out the truth as soon as possible.”

Ji-hyang’s face was full of grievance as she said with tears in her eyes, “Thank you. You are still willing to trust me and protect me at a time like this.”

Ji-hyang buried her head into Kim Seon-ho’s chest. A trace of malice flashed in her eyes as she said coldly, “Uncle, you must help me find the mastermind behind this. When the time comes, you must punish him severely!”

Jennie looked at the warm scene in front of her and felt extremely disgusted. In her previous life, when she had encountered this matter, Kim Seon-ho had almost beaten her to death.

He had even insulted and threatened her to not appear again in this lifetime, to avoid embarrassing the Kim family.

Now, it was Ji-hyang’s turn. Not only did he not beat or scold her, but he even comforted her so gently. Could she not be his biological child?

Or was there some kind of terrifying relationship between Kim Seon-ho and Ji-hyang that caused Kim Seon-ho to love Ji-hyang so much?

A few days later.

At dusk, the setting sun shone on the white clouds and the sky. Jennie stood before the French window, her little face filled with coldness and bloodlust.

It had already been two days. Lisa should have been in trouble, so why had he not contacted her yet?

In the past few days, Jennie had also found out that her mother had been locked up in the mental hospital by Ji-hyang and the others.

Those guarding her mother were all carefully selected bodyguards by Kim Seon-ho and they even had guns. At the moment, she had no way of taking her mother away.

Her only hope was that after Lisa read the note, he would remember her.

As long as Lisa paid attention to her, he would have a way to save her mother.

Ji-hyang pushed open the door with a bowl of bird’s nest in her hand and asked, “Jen, what are you looking at?”

Jennie heard Ji-hyang’s voice and quickly turned around. Just as she was about to take out her phone, the door was pushed open again.

Kim Seon-ho rushed in and said anxiously, “Ji-hyang, come quickly. The Manoban family is here to look for you.”

Ji-hyang immediately walked out in excitement. She completely forgot about the poisonous bird’s nest in her hand that night and followed Kim Seon-ho out of here.

Jennie’s lips curled up coldly. Sure enough, Lisa had sent someone. It seemed like that note had made him notice her.

Now, as long as she could save her mother, she could immediately shed all pretense of cordiality with Ji-hyang and the others. It was the start of revenge.

She would make Ji-hyang return the things she had taken in her past life, as well as get revenge for the humiliation she had suffered.

Lisa was Jennie’s first target in this life.

Two hours later, Ji-hyang came down from the limited edition Rolls-Royce Cullinan that the Manoban family had sent over with a disappointed expression.

Kim Seon-ho was puzzled when he saw Ji-hyang’s expression. They were here to look for Ji-hyang.

Why was Ji-hyang so disappointed?

Was there was a problem with the plan? That was not possible!

Kim Seon-ho walked quickly to Ji-hyang and asked curiously, “Ji-hyang, what happened at the Manoban's? Why did you come back? Shouldn’t they take you to see Lisa?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now