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Lisa picked up Jennie and sat down on the sofa with her. He looked serious and said coldly, "Don't worry, I'll tutor you.".

"I'll make sure there's no problem with your studies."

Jennie felt a little helpless. This Devil obviously did not want her to see Bambam, yet he still had so many excuses.

Lisa asked in a cold tone when he saw Jennie's expression.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Jennie quickly nodded when she heard this. She only wished to see Bambam earlier, she then explained,

"That's right, you're too handsome. So handsome that I can't concentrate at all."

"If you become my tutor, I'd be focussing on you. How could I study well?"

Lisa gently patted Jennie's head when he heard this.

"I got a double doctorate when I was 16. It wouldn't be a problem for me to teach you."

Jennie was shocked when she heard this.

Oh my god! The Devil indeed lived up to his name. He got a double doctorate when he was 16. In comparison, Jennie felt like she was a piece of trash.

Right at that moment, Felix carried the books back to the office with his face covered in sweat.

He placed all the books on the table in front of the sofa. Then, without any hesitation, he reported,

"Chairman, here are all the books you want. There's also the class schedule."

Jennie gave Felix a thumbs up in her heart. He paid great attention to the details.

No wonder Lisa thought so highly of him. He was efficient and meticulous. He was really a good butler.

Lisa nodded, picked up the class schedule, and ordered coldly.

"Okay, I got it. Go and rest. Come back in an hour, I've something to tell you."

Felix was stunned when he heard this. He seemed to struggle a bit before he said,

"Chairman, in ten minutes, there's an important meeting. You have to be there and host the meeting."

When Jennie heard this, she said daringly,

"Boss Manoban, you should get busy with the company's matters. It's better to let someone idle like Bambam tutor me since it's a trivial matter."

When Lisa heard this, his face instantly darkened. He gave Jennie a cold glare, his aura became more threatening as he questioned her.

"What do you mean? Are you sure you don't want me? Must you look for Bambam?"

Jennie could feel Lisa's terrifying aura, but she had to save Bambam. She could not care less and nodded resolutely.

Then, she opened her red lips and explained.

"The main thing is that a student like Bambam has a better foundation, so he can teach me very well."

Lisa's expression was extremely gloomy as he lifted Jennie's chin.

He looked at Jennie with a cold and terrifying gaze. He gritted his teeth and enunciated these words angrily.

"How dare you say that?"

"You want Bambam so badly, I cannot even replace him. Is there something between the two of you?"

'When Jennie heard this, she quickly shook her head and said innocently.

"Don't talk nonsense. There's no such thing. I'm doing this for your own good."

"You're so busy with your work, yet Bambam has been idle."

"I feel bad asking you to give up your work and become my tutor, so I asked Bambam who's free to teach me."

"Isn't that utilizing the waste resource too? Boss Manoban, do you get me?"

Jennie's words made Lisa's anger disappear instantly. He answered coldly,"It's not a bad idea, but I don't think he can teach you well."

"Although his studies are alright, he's just trash in my eyes. I have to be the one tutoring you."

Lisa ordered Felix who was standing behind without turning around.

"Delay the meeting by an hour."

Jennie was speechless. This Devil really did not want Bambam to get better. How could she save him now?

Perhaps, she could only watch Bambam suffer?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now