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Lisa did not care about that. He looked at Si Lina coldly and said, “I don’t care what you think. I’ll give you five seconds now. If you can’t type it out, then you’ll lose your hands.”

Si Lina’s face instantly turned even paler.

When the others heard this, they could not help but break out in cold sweat. One by one, they hastened their actions and typed on the keyboard.

Lisa looked at Si Lina coldly, then he turned his gaze to the others.

Everyone quickly typed the code they were best at. Everyone brought out their greatest potential, and their fingers flew like they did not dare to stop.

However, compared to Jennie, these people’s hand speed was still much slower.

Lisa looked at the employees whose fingers were flying. He thought of what Jennie had said in the ward before, and he frowned.

Could it be that it was Jennie who really helped him last time?

When he thought about this, Lisa looked at Si Lina coldly again.

Si Lina was going all out for her own hands.

She sat in front of the computer and clumsily typed on the keyboard like a primary school student who had just learned how to use a computer. Her movements were stiff and her typing was slow.

Lisa asked Max coldly, “What do you think?”

Max stayed silent for a while. He frowned and stared at Si Lina who was typing on the keyboard.

Then he said, “The one who defeated those hackers last time and even reinforced the firewall was definitely not Si Lina.”

“But with such a fast speed, can Jennie really type out useful code?” Lisa was suspicious about it.

Max thought of Jennie’s hand speed that was so fast that only afterimages could be seen last time.

He replied with a complicated expression.

“Sorry, I don’t know much about this either. After all, I haven’t learned this before. But I know that one of the best skills of some top hackers or programmers is to type code extremely fast. When top hackers compete, the one who can type code faster is more likely to win. So, the faster the better.”

When Lisa heard this, he was even more convinced of his previous thoughts. He glanced coldly at Si Lina and said to Max, “I’ll leave this stupid b*tch to you.”

Then, Lisa turned around and left.

When Max saw him leave, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Then he thought of his guarantee to the boss last time and the deception of Si Lina, he was red-cheeked with rage.

He looked respectfully at Lisa’s back as he left. Then, he called the security department angrily.

“Send someone over immediately. Send that b*tch where she belongs. And, teach her a hard lesson and make her pay dearly for her cheating.”

How dare this idiot lie to them that she’s a top hacker! She must be punished severely.

Si Lina looked at Max who was leaving and then thought of Lisa’s threat to cut off her hands. She instantly collapsed to the ground.

When she saw Max who was about to disappear, Si Lina struggled to sit up and begged for mercy at him.

“Assistant Max, please let me go! I didn’t lie to you! That was a misunderstanding. I just didn’t deny your guess. It’s not my fault! If it is my fault, then you are also guilty because you got the wrong person. You Can’t Blame Me!”

Max stopped when he heard this. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly as he looked at the rest of the people in this office, then he suddenly muttered, “The security guards are too slow, I guess they still need five minutes to get here. I heard that this b*tch has offended a lot of people before. Maybe she will accidentally fall down and hurt herself in those five minutes. I guess no one would care about her. You all know what to do, right?”

Then, Max sneered and closed the door of the office.

When this matter was is over, he would teach that b*stard a Bambam lesson. How dared Bambam find such a b*tch to cheat him?

The staff who had been tricked by Si Lina stopped their work.

They surrounded Si Lina in the middle with an angry expression. They wished they could kill her.

“B*tch, you didn’t expect this day to come, did you?” One female employee roared.

As soon as she finished speaking, a loud slap followed, accompanied by Si Lina’s cry.

Five minutes later, the security guards left with Si Lina, who was badly disfigured and had footprints all over her body.

Jennie watched such a bloody scene through the surveillance camera.

She didn’t sympathize with Si Lina because she asked for it. If she hadn’t taken Jennie’s credit, she wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Si Lina was too greedy. She only wanted what she desired and ignored her incapacity.

One could only say that such a person deserved it..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now