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Jennie’s face turned pale when she saw Lisa’s injury. Just now when she saw Lisa’s strength, she had thought that it was unbelievable that Lisa would be injured. Now, she realized that it was done by this little girl.

One must never let your guard down!

When Max saw this scene, he was furious. He took out his gun and pointed it at the little girl’s head. He roared, “You damned little devil, I’ll kill you right now.”

Lisa covered his wound and stood up with a pale face. His body swayed as he coldly gave an order to Max.

“Max, don’t hurt her.”

“Young Master, she hurt you just now.”

To Max, the little girl and that good-for-nothing mute’s lives did not matter at all, but whoever hurt his master had to die.

When the little girl saw Lisa’s wound and pale face, a hint of pride flashed in her eyes.

This shot had hit Lisa in the chest. Before long, Lisa would be dead. What she needed to do now was to leave quickly and spend her money.

“Give her the car keys, now.”

Lisa staggered forward and looked at Jennie who was being held hostage by the little girl. He ordered Max coldly.

Jennie looked at Lisa awkwardly. She had wanted to be the beauty who saved the hero, but now even the hero could not be saved any more. Her only chance was gone.

Max glared at Jennie angrily, took out the car keys, and threw them directly in front of the little girl.

“You are a pig. You are absolutely useless. Trash, you followed us just to harm our Young Master!”

Jennie’s lips twitched when she heard Max. What he said was not right.

In her previous life, she was not with them. Lisa was still seriously injured, so why should she be blamed this time?

Besides, she felt that there was something wrong with the little girl and wanted to test her out.

Unexpectedly, this girl was skilled. Her movements were smooth and Jennie did not have time to react. It was obvious that she had been training for a long time.

Lisa walked to the girl’s side and picked up the car keys.

“I’ll give you the car keys. If you’re still worried, then let me be your hostage and let her go. How about it?”

The little girl immediately shook her head and smiled mockingly. “There’s no need. How long do you think you can live? If you don’t want her to die with you, just give me the keys.”

Then, the little girl pointed the gun at Jennie with one hand and reached out to Lisa with the other.

She was not worried that Jennie would resist at all. The moment just now was enough to prove that this mute knew nothing.

The little girl who was still feeling proud suddenly felt her entire body go weak, and the exquisite pistol in her hand fell to the ground.

Lisa grabbed her delicate neck. The little girl had difficulty breathing as she looked at Jennie in disbelief.

Jennie smiled politely. This was not her fault. Who asked the little girl to underestimate her and look down on her!!

At this moment, Lisa gradually increased the strength of his grip. He was about to break the little girl’s neck. Jennie quickly went up and hugged Lisa’s arm. She shook her head hard and signaled with her eyes.

“After all, she’s still a child. Perhaps she can be saved. Don’t kill her.”

Lisa frowned. He looked at Jennie who was hugging his arm and understood the meaning in Jennie’s eyes. He just said coldly.

“She’s not a child.”

“What? Not a child?”

Jennie looked at the little girl who was being strangled by Lisa in surprise. She quickly took out her phone and quickly edited the words on it.

“Could it be that she’s the kind of person who suffers from dwarfism and will never grow up?”

Lisa no longer had much patience. As he smelled the scent of blood, his violent emotions kept rising, and he just nodded coldly.

Jennie still hugged Lisa’s arm. This was the first time she had seen such a beautiful midget.

Moreover, she was so cute. She did not want her to die at Lisa’s hands, so she used her phone to edit the text.

“She looks so pitiful. Just let her off this time, okay?”

It turned out that when she poisoned this midget with the needle, she had also touched her body. Some scenes flashed through Jennie’s mind. She realized that the midget’s background was not ordinary. More importantly, the midget had also been poisoned.

If her guess was right, this midget was created by humans and was not born with it.

It was precisely because of this that Jennie wanted Lisa to let this midget go. She also wanted to use this opportunity to find out who the mastermind was.

Lisa’s expression was as cold as a thousand-year-old iceberg.. He said calmly, “Do you know who she is?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now