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When Jennie saw Lisa’s cold expression, she immediately cowered and explained in a low voice on her phone.

“I just wanted to talk to you about last night’s question.”

Lisa looked into Jennie’s watery eyes. The eyes of the girl of his dreams slowly overlapped with the pair of eyes in front of him. In an instant, the terrifying aura around him disappeared by more than half.

“You have an answer?”

Jennie immediately nodded, indicating that there was indeed an answer.

Lisa did not seem to have much patience and said coldly, “Speak.”

Jennie looked at Lisa timidly. Today, Lisa was wearing a well-fitting custom-made suit, which made the originally handsome him look even more dashing. However...

This cold aura that had not changed for thousands of years sent chills down her back. Her teeth were chattering non-stop, and at the same time, it was also cold.

Lisa frowned. After waiting for a long time, Jennie did not answer. “Hmm?”

When Jennie heard Lisa’s urging, she quickly took out her phone to type, and she spoke very bluntly.

“I want to be your wife.”

Then, Jennie’s little face suddenly turned red. Her watery eyes were shy and a little scared. She was at a loss as she secretly sized up Lisa.

This answer seemed a little unreserved. Should she be more tactful?

Jennie saw Lisa’s expressionless face and the corner of her mouth twitched. She had already given the answer, how could his face still be expressionless?

Could it be that she, Jennie, was so bad? Was is so bad to marry her?

Jennie was very depressed. She looked at Lisa angrily and took out her phone to type.

“Why do you look down on me so much? Or do you think I’m not worthy? What attitude!”

Lisa glanced at Jennie indifferently. His face was filled with an expression that said, “Do you think you’re worthy?”.

Jennie was even angrier. She typed directly and asked, “Do you really want to get married?”

Lisa grunted indifferently. He reached his hand out in front of Jennie and said, “Let’s go.”

Jennie looked at Lisa’s hand and felt helpless. She had been so angry, yet he was still so calm.

Or could it be that Lisa did not see that she was angry at all?

Jennie’s anger overcame her rationality. She shook her head forcefully and rejected Lisa, indicating that she would not leave.

Lisa’s dark eyes suddenly turned cold. He looked at Jennie’s little face sharply and said coldly, “Are you sure?”

Jennie looked at Lisa’s cold eyes and suddenly felt a little scared.

In the end, she succumbed to Lisa’s warning gaze and obediently handed her little hand to Lisa.

In order to ease the awkwardness of admitting defeat, Jennie used her phone to type a question.

“Where are we going?”

“To get the certificate.”

When Jennie heard Lisa’s indifferent words, she was a little shocked. Was not this too fast?

“Um, I’m not mentally prepared yet. Should we wait until tomorrow?”

Lisa, who had always been a man of few words, seemed to be afraid that Jennie would go back on her word again, so he said a rare sentence of more than five words.

“You can also pretend that you’re not married.”

Jennie nodded in agreement. She did not expect Lisa to give her such an idea. She typed on her phone.

“This idea of yours is pretty good. I have another thing to discuss with you. Can we hide our marriage?”

Jennie felt that as long as Kim Seon-ho and Ji-hyang knew about the marriage with Lisa, Ji-hyang’s plan would fail. If Kim Seon-ho knew that she was the young madam of the Manoban family, he would not continue to imprison her mother, right?


Lisa expressionlessly said the word and got into the car with Jennie.

Ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau. The staff respectfully and enthusiastically brought the two of them into the office.

After signing, Jennie suddenly stood up and looked apologetically at Lisa as she typed on her phone.

“Master Manoban, I’m sorry. I... I forgot to bring my household register.”

At that moment, Jennie felt a little regretful. Such a loveless marriage was not a happy one. She also thought of the men in her past life. Perhaps if she did not marry Lisa, she could still save her mother.

When she woke up and saw Lisa, she was a little too anxious at the time, which was why she acted rashly.

Moreover, those men were of more use than Lisa.

Lisa’s expression instantly turned cold, and a chill instantly filled the entire office. The temperature instantly reached freezing point, and it was as if the air was about to freeze.

Did she regret it?

The meat was about to reach his mouth, yet she wanted to escape?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (1)Where stories live. Discover now